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addProxyPropertiesToHttpClient() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm
all() - Static method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdExtension
All registered extension points.


configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.GlobalConfigurationImpl
createManager() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm
createSecurityComponents() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm
Acegi has this notion that first an Authentication object is created by collecting user information and then the act of authentication is done later (by AuthenticationManager) to verify it.


DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdUserProperty.DescriptorImpl
DISABLE - Static variable in class hudson.plugins.openid.impl.TeamsExtension
Escape hatch for people affected by JENKINS-14843 until we switch to POST.
doCommenceLogin() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSession
Starts the login session.
doCommenceLogin(String) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm
The login process starts from here.
doDynamic(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.StaticResourceServer
doFinish(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService
doFinishLogin(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSession
When the identity provider is done with its thing, the user comes back here.
doFinishLogin(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm
This is where the user comes back to at the end of the OpenID redirect ping-pong.
doStartAssociate(String, String) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService
doStartLogin(String, String, String) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService
Commence a login.
doValidate(String) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl


endpoint - Variable in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm
extend(AuthRequest) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.impl.TeamsExtension
extend(AuthRequest) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.impl.UserInfoExtension
extend(AuthRequest) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdExtension
Extend the authentication request.
extendFetch(FetchRequest) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.impl.UserInfoExtension
extendFetch(FetchRequest) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdExtension
extendRequest(AuthRequest) - Static method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdExtension
Extend the authentication request.


getCategory() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.GlobalConfigurationImpl
getCurrent() - Static method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSession
Gets the OpenIdSession associated with HTTP session in the current extend.
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdUserProperty.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.StaticResourceServer
getEffectiveNick() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
Obtains the token suitable as the user ID.
getEmail() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
getEmailAddress() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.IdentityImpl
getFullName() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
getFullName() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.IdentityImpl
getGrantedAuthorities() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
getIconFileName() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.StaticResourceServer
getIdentifier() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.IdentityImpl
getLoginUrl() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm
getMessageAs(Class<T>, AuthSuccess, String) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdExtension
Obtain an extended response message from an AuthSuccess instance given the class and URI type of the response message.
getNick() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
getNickname() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.IdentityImpl
getOpenId() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
getPronoun() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.IdentityImpl
getProperties() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
getProtectedOpenIDs() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdUserProperty
getUrlName() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService
getUrlName() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.StaticResourceServer
getUserPropertyClass() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService
GlobalConfigurationImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.GlobalConfigurationImpl


hudson.plugins.openid - package hudson.plugins.openid
hudson.plugins.openid.impl - package hudson.plugins.openid.impl


Identity - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
Represents an identity information given by the OpenID provider.
Identity(AuthSuccess) - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
IdentityImpl(Identity) - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.IdentityImpl
isApplicable(OpenIdExtension) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm
Allow OpenId SSO Security Realms to determine the extensions that are applicable.
isApplicable(SecurityRealm) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdExtension
Allow Extensions to determine that they are applicable when used with specific security realms.
isDisabled() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService
isEnabled() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.GlobalConfigurationImpl
isEnabled() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdUserProperty.DescriptorImpl
isHidden() - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.GlobalConfigurationImpl


Messages - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
Generated localization support class.
Messages() - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.Messages


newInstance(User) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdUserProperty.DescriptorImpl


onSuccess(Identity) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSession
OpenIdExtension - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
An OpenID extension for extending an authentication request and processing an authentication success.
OpenIdExtension() - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdExtension
OpenIdLoginService - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
Augments other SecurityRealm by allowing login via OpenID.
OpenIdLoginService() - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService
OpenIdLoginService_SessionNotFound() - Static method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Messages
Key OpenIdLoginService.SessionNotFound: Unable to find an on-going OpenID session. Could it be that you have multiple host names for your Jenkins and you started the authentication in one host name and landed back on another? If so configure the correct Jenkins root URL so that those two host names will be the same.
OpenIdLoginService.GlobalConfigurationImpl - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
OpenIdLoginService.IdentityImpl - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
OpenIdSession - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
Represents state for an OpenID authentication.
OpenIdSession(ConsumerManager, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSession
OpenIdSession(ConsumerManager, DiscoveryInformation, String) - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSession
OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
SSO based on OpenID by fixing a provider.
OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm(String) - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm
OpenIdSsoSecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
OpenIdSsoUserDetails - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
OpenIdSsoUserDetails(String, GrantedAuthority[]) - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdSsoUserDetails
OpenIdUserProperty - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
OpenIdUserProperty(Set<String>) - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdUserProperty
OpenIdUserProperty.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.plugins.openid


process(AuthSuccess, Identity) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.impl.TeamsExtension
process(AuthSuccess, Identity) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.impl.UserInfoExtension
process(AuthSuccess, Identity) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdExtension
Process the authentication success.
processResponse(AuthSuccess, Identity) - Static method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdExtension
Process the authentication success.


setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService
setDisabledGlobal(boolean) - Static method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService
Globally sets the disabled flag on OpenIdLoginService instances.
setEmail(String) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.OpenIdLoginService.GlobalConfigurationImpl
setFullName(String) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
setNick(String) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
StaticResourceServer - Class in hudson.plugins.openid
Serve static resources even when the user doesn't have read access, as in prior to the login.
StaticResourceServer() - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.StaticResourceServer


TeamsExtension - Class in hudson.plugins.openid.impl
Use the OpenID team extension ( to obtain membership.
TeamsExtension() - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.impl.TeamsExtension


updateProfile(User) - Method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Identity
Updates the user information on Hudson based on the information in this identity.
UserInfoExtension - Class in hudson.plugins.openid.impl
UserInfoExtension() - Constructor for class hudson.plugins.openid.impl.UserInfoExtension


_OpenIdLoginService_SessionNotFound() - Static method in class hudson.plugins.openid.Messages
Key OpenIdLoginService.SessionNotFound: Unable to find an on-going OpenID session. Could it be that you have multiple host names for your Jenkins and you started the authentication in one host name and landed back on another? If so configure the correct Jenkins root URL so that those two host names will be the same.
A C D E G H I M N O P S T U _ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form