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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


addComment(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Add a comment line at the end of the file.
AIX - Enum constant in enum class
amd64 - Enum constant in enum class
areNpmPackagesUpToDate(FilePath, String, long) - Static method in class
arm64 - Enum constant in enum class
armv6l - Enum constant in enum class
armv7l - Enum constant in enum class


binFolder - Variable in enum class
Choose the folder path suitable bin folder of the bundle.
buildCommandLine(FilePath) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
buildEnvVars(EnvVars) - Method in class


CacheLocationLocator - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache
Strategy pattern that decides the location of the NPM cache location for a build.
CacheLocationLocator() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.CacheLocationLocator
CacheLocationLocatorDescriptor - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache
CacheLocationLocatorDescriptor() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.CacheLocationLocatorDescriptor
calculatePrefix(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.RegistryHelper
compareTo(NodeJSVersion) - Method in class
Compares this NodeJSVersion object to another NodeJSVersion.
compose(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.RegistryHelper
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class
contains(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Returns true if this map contains a user config for the specified key.
CPU - Enum Class in
CPU type.
CPU_unknown(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key CPU.unknown: Unknown CPU architecture: {0}.
createLoggerDecorator(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
current() - Static method in enum class
Determines the CPU of the current JVM.
current() - Static method in enum class


Define the elapse time before perform a new npm install for defined global packages.
DEFAULT_NPM_REGISTRY - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
Default NPM registry.
DefaultCacheLocationLocator - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache
Uses NPM's default global cache, which is actually ~/.npm on Unix system or %APP_DATA%\npm-cache on Windows system.
DefaultCacheLocationLocator() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.DefaultCacheLocationLocator
DefaultCacheLocationLocator_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key DefaultCacheLocationLocator.displayName: Default (~/.npm or %APP_DATA%\npm-cache).
DefaultCacheLocationLocator.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.DefaultCacheLocationLocator.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.PerExecutorCacheLocationLocator.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.PerJobCacheLocationLocator.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class
DetectionFailedException - Exception in
Indicates the failure to detect the OS or CPU.
DetectionFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
doCheckConfigId(ItemGroup<?>, String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl
Verify that the given configId exists in the given context.
doCheckConfigId(ItemGroup<?>, String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter.NodeJsDescriptor
Verify that the given configId exists in the given context.
doCheckCredentialsId(Item, String, String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl
doCheckCredentialsId(Item, String, String) - Method in class
doCheckMirrorURL(String) - Method in class
doCheckScopes(boolean, String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl
doCheckUrl(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl
doFillConfigIdItems(ItemGroup<?>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl
Gather all defined npmrc config files.
doFillConfigIdItems(ItemGroup<?>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter.NodeJsDescriptor
Gather all defined npmrc config files.
doFillCredentialsIdItems(ItemGroup<?>, Item, String, String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl
doFillCredentialsIdItems(Item, String, String) - Method in class
doVerify() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig
Perform a validation of the configuration.
doVerify() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry
Perform the validation of current registry.


emptyVersion - Static variable in class
The empty version "0.0.0".
ENVVAR_NODE_HOME - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
Alias for NODEJS_HOME.
ENVVAR_NODEJS_HOME - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
The name of environment variable that point to the NodeJS installation home.
ENVVAR_NODEJS_PATH - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
The name of environment variable that contribute the PATH value.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Compares this NodeJSVersion object to another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Compares this VersionRange object to another object.
ExecutorCacheLocationLocator_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key ExecutorCacheLocationLocator.displayName: Local to the executor.


Factory() - Constructor for class
fillRegistry(String, Map<String, StandardCredentials>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.RegistryHelper
Fill the npmpc user config with the given registries.
fillRegistry(String, Map<String, StandardCredentials>, boolean) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.RegistryHelper
Fill the npmpc user config with the given registries.
findInstallationByName(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSPlugin
findResolverFor(String) - Static method in class
Return an implementation adapt for the given installable.
forEnvironment(EnvVars) - Method in class
forNode(Node, TaskListener) - Method in class
forNode(Node, TaskListener) - Method in class
forNode(Node, TaskListener) - Method in class
from(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Parse the given content and store internally all user settings and comments.


get(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Get the value for the specified property key.
getAsBoolean(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Get the value for the specified property key as a boolean.
getAsNumber(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Get the value for the specified property key as a number.
getAuthentication(Item) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl
getAuthentication(Item) - Method in class
getCacheLocationStrategy() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
getCacheLocationStrategy() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
getConfigId() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
getConfigId() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
getContents() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
getContentType() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig.NPMConfigProvider
getCredentialsId() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry
Get list of scope for this registry.
getCredentialsId() - Method in class
getDefaultInstallers() - Method in class
getDescriptor() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.CacheLocationLocator
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.DefaultCacheLocationLocator.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.PerExecutorCacheLocationLocator.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.PerJobCacheLocationLocator.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig.NPMConfigProvider
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter.NodeJsDescriptor
Customise the name of this job step.
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getExecutable(Launcher) - Method in class
Gets the executable path of NodeJS on the given target system.
getFileExtension() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
getHelpFile() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter.NodeJsDescriptor
Return the help file.
getId() - Method in class
getInstallable() - Method in class
getInstallable() - Method in class
getInstallables() - Method in class
getInstallables() - Method in class
getInstallations() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl
getInstallations() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter.NodeJsDescriptor
getInstallations() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSPlugin
Use NodeJSUtils.getInstallations() instead of this.
getLeft() - Method in class
Returns the left endpoint of this version range.
getLeftType() - Method in class
Returns the type of the left endpoint of this version range.
getLocalCacheFile(DownloadFromUrlInstaller.Installable, Node) - Method in class
getMajor() - Method in class
Returns the major component of this version identifier.
getMicro() - Method in class
Returns the micro component of this version identifier.
getMinor() - Method in class
Returns the minor component of this version identifier.
getMirrorURL() - Method in class
getNodeJS() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
Gets the NodeJS to invoke, or null to invoke the default one.
getNodeJS() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
Gets the NodeJS to invoke, or null to invoke the default one.
getNodeJSInstallationName() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
getNodeJSInstallationName() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
getNpmPackages() - Method in class
getNpmPackagesRefreshHours() - Method in class
getRegistries() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig
getRight() - Method in class
Returns the right endpoint of this version range.
getRightType() - Method in class
Returns the type of the right endpoint of this version range.
getScopes() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry
Get list of scope for this registry.
getScopesAsList() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry
Provide a list of scope for this registry.
getSensitiveContentForMasking(Config, Run<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig.NPMConfigProvider
getUrl() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry
Get the registry URL


hashCode() - Method in class
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class
Returns a hash code value for the object.


i386 - Enum constant in enum class
includes(NodeJSVersion) - Method in class
Returns whether this version range includes the specified version.
InstallerPathResolver - Interface in
Contract to resolve parts of an URL path given some specific inputs.
InstallerPathResolver_unsupportedArch(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key InstallerPathResolver.unsupportedArch: Unresolvable nodeJS installer for version={0}, cpu={1}, platform={2}.
InstallerPathResolver_unsupportedOS(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key InstallerPathResolver.unsupportedOS: Unresolvable nodeJS installer for version={0}, platform={1}.
InstallerPathResolver.Factory - Class in
Factory that return lookup for an implementation of InstallerPathResolver.
internalPerform(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
is(String) - Method in enum class
isApplicable(AbstractProject<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl
isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter.NodeJsDescriptor
isApplicable(Class<? extends ToolInstallation>) - Method in class
isApplicable(Class<? extends ToolInstallation>) - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
Returns whether this version range is empty.
isForce32Bit() - Method in class
isHasScopes() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry
isMSI(String) - Method in class
isNpm9Format() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig
isVersionBlacklisted(String) - Static method in class


JAVASCRIPT_EXT - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
Default extension for javascript file.
jenkins.plugins.nodejs - package jenkins.plugins.nodejs
Classes implementing Jenkins API used in NodeJS Plugin.
jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache - package jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache
jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles - package jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles - package - package
JobCacheLocationLocator_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key JobCacheLocationLocator.displayName: Local to the workspace.


LatestInstallerPathResolver - Class in
Calculate the name of the installer for the specified version according the architecture and CPU of the destination node.
LatestInstallerPathResolver() - Constructor for class
LEFT_CLOSED - Static variable in class
The left endpoint is closed and is included in the range.
LEFT_OPEN - Static variable in class
The left endpoint is open and is excluded from the range.
LINUX - Enum constant in enum class
load(File) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Parse the given file and store internally all user settings and comments.
loadTemplateContent() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig.NPMConfigProvider
locate(FilePath) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.CacheLocationLocator
Called during the build on the master to determine the location of the local cache location.
locate(FilePath) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.DefaultCacheLocationLocator
locate(FilePath) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.PerExecutorCacheLocationLocator
locate(FilePath) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.PerJobCacheLocationLocator


Messages - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs
Generated localization support class.
Messages() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
MirrorNodeJSInstallable(DownloadFromUrlInstaller.Installable) - Constructor for class
MirrorNodeJSInstaller - Class in
Automatic NodeJS installer from a mirror
MirrorNodeJSInstaller(String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class
MirrorNodeJSInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key MirrorNodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Install from mirror.
MirrorNodeJSInstaller_DescriptorImpl_emptyMirrorURL() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key MirrorNodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl.emptyMirrorURL: The Mirror URL field cannot be empty..
MirrorNodeJSInstaller_DescriptorImpl_invalidURL() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key MirrorNodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl.invalidURL: Malformed URL.
MirrorNodeJSInstaller_invalidCredentialsId(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key MirrorNodeJSInstaller.invalidCredentialsId: Credentials {0} does not exists.
MirrorNodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl - Class in
MirrorNodeJSInstaller.MirrorNodeJSInstallable - Class in


newConfig(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig.NPMConfigProvider
nodeFileName - Variable in enum class
Choose the file name suitable for the downloaded Node bundle.
NodeJSBuilders_nodeOffline() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSBuilders.nodeOffline: Cannot get installation for node, since it is not online.
NodeJSBuilders_noExecutableFound(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSBuilders.noExecutableFound: Couldn’t find any executable in "{0}".
NodeJSBuilders_noInstallationFound(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSBuilders.noInstallationFound: No installation {0} found. Please define one in manager Jenkins..
NodeJSBuildWrapper - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs
A simple build wrapper that contribute the NodeJS bin path to the PATH environment variable.
NodeJSBuildWrapper(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
NodeJSBuildWrapper(String, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
NodeJSBuildWrapper_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSBuildWrapper.displayName: Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH.
NodeJSBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs
NodeJSCommandInterpreter - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs
This class executes a JavaScript file using node.
NodeJSCommandInterpreter(String, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
Constructs a NodeJSCommandInterpreter with specified command.
NodeJSCommandInterpreter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
Constructs a NodeJSCommandInterpreter with specified command.
NodeJSCommandInterpreter_commandFailed() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSCommandInterpreter.commandFailed: command execution failed.
NodeJSCommandInterpreter_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSCommandInterpreter.displayName: Execute NodeJS script.
NodeJSCommandInterpreter.NodeJsDescriptor - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs
Provides builder details for the job configuration page.
NodeJSConstants - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs
NodeJsDescriptor() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter.NodeJsDescriptor
NodeJSInstallable(DownloadFromUrlInstaller.Installable) - Constructor for class
NodeJSInstallation - Class in
Information about JDK installation.
NodeJSInstallation(String, String, List<? extends ToolProperty<?>>) - Constructor for class
NodeJSInstallation(String, String, List<? extends ToolProperty<?>>, Platform) - Constructor for class
NodeJSInstallation_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstallation.displayName: NodeJS.
NodeJSInstallation.DescriptorImpl - Class in
NodeJSInstaller - Class in
Automatic NodeJS installer from
NodeJSInstaller(String, String, long) - Constructor for class
NodeJSInstaller(String, String, long, boolean) - Constructor for class
NodeJSInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Install from
NodeJSInstaller_FailedToInstallNodeJS(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstaller.FailedToInstallNodeJS: Failed to install NodeJS. Exit code={0}.
NodeJSInstaller_failedToUnpack(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstaller.failedToUnpack: Failed to unpack {0} ({1} bytes read).
NodeJSInstaller_installFromCache(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstaller.installFromCache: Installing NodeJS from {0} to {1} on {2}.
NodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl - Class in
NodeJSInstaller.NodeJSInstallable - Class in
NodeJSPlugin - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs
Do not use this anymore. This class will be removed, actually is kept to migrate persistence.
NodeJSPlugin() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSPlugin
NodeJSVersion - Class in
NodeJSVersion identifier.
NodeJSVersion(int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a version identifier from the specified numerical components.
NodeJSVersion(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a version identifier from the specified string.
NodeJSVersionRange - Class in
Version range.
NodeJSVersionRange(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a version range from the specified string.
NPM_CACHE_LOCATION - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
The location of NPM cache.
NPM_PACKAGES_RECORD_FILENAME - Static variable in class
NPM_SETTINGS_ALWAYS_AUTH - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
Force npm to always require authentication when accessing the registry, even for GET requests.
NPM_SETTINGS_AUTH - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
The authentication base64 string >USER<:>PASSWORD< used to login to the global registry.
NPM_SETTINGS_AUTHTOKEN - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
The authentication token used to login to the global registry or scoped registry.
NPM_SETTINGS_PASSWORD - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
The authentication base64 string >PASSWORD< used to login to the scoped registry.
NPM_SETTINGS_REGISTRY - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
The base URL of the npm package registry.
NPM_SETTINGS_USER - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
The user name used to login to the scoped registry.
NPM_USERCONFIG - Static variable in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSConstants
The location of user-level configuration settings.
NPMConfig - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles
A config/provider to handle the special case of a npmrc config file
NPMConfig(String, String, String, String, List<NPMRegistry>) - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig
NPMConfig_default() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMConfig.default: - use system default -.
NPMConfig_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMConfig.displayName: Npm config file.
NPMConfig_verifyTooGlobalRegistry() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMConfig.verifyTooGlobalRegistry: Too many registries configured as global (no scope assigned), at most one is allowed..
NPMConfig.NPMConfigProvider - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles
NPMConfigProvider() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig.NPMConfigProvider
npmFileName - Variable in enum class
Choose the file name suitable for the npm bundled with NodeJS.
Npmrc - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles
Npm config file parser.
Npmrc() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
NPMRegistry - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles
Holder of all informations about a npm public/private registry.
NPMRegistry(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry
Default constructor used by jelly page for the optional block.
NPMRegistry(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry
Default constructor.
NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_emptyCredentialsId() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.emptyCredentialsId: Credentials is required.
NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_emptyRegistryURL() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.emptyRegistryURL: Registry URL is required.
NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_emptyScopes() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.emptyScopes: Scopes is required.
NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_invalidCharInScopes() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.invalidCharInScopes: Remove the '@' character from scope.
NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_invalidCredentialsId() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.invalidCredentialsId: Current credentials does not exists.
NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_invalidRegistryURL() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.invalidRegistryURL: Invalid URL, should start with https://.
NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_invalidScopes() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.invalidScopes: Invalid scope.
NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles


of(Node) - Static method in enum class
Determines the CPU of the given node.
of(Node) - Static method in enum class
Determines the platform of the given node.
OSX - Enum constant in enum class


parseVersion(String) - Static method in class
Parses a version identifier from the specified string.
PerExecutorCacheLocationLocator - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache
Relocates the NPM's default cache to a folder specific for the executor in the node home folder ~/npm-cache/$executorNumber.
PerExecutorCacheLocationLocator() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.PerExecutorCacheLocationLocator
PerExecutorCacheLocationLocator.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache
perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
performInstallation(ToolInstallation, Node, TaskListener) - Method in class
performInstallation(ToolInstallation, Node, TaskListener) - Method in class
PerJobCacheLocationLocator - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache
Relocates the NPM's default cache to the workspace folder.
PerJobCacheLocationLocator() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache.PerJobCacheLocationLocator
PerJobCacheLocationLocator.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.cache
Platform - Enum Class in
Supported platform.
Platform_unknown(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key Platform.unknown: Unknown OS name: {0}.
postInitialize() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSPlugin
ppc64 - Enum constant in enum class


refreshGlobalPackages(Node, TaskListener, FilePath) - Method in class
RegistryHelper - Class in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles
Helper to fill properly credentials in the the user configuration file.
RegistryHelper(Collection<NPMRegistry>) - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.RegistryHelper
resolveCredentials(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.RegistryHelper
Resolves all registry credentials and returns a map paring registry URL to credential.
resolvePathFor(String, Platform, CPU) - Method in interface
Resolve the URL path for the given parameters.
resolvePathFor(String, Platform, CPU) - Method in class
RIGHT_CLOSED - Static variable in class
The right endpoint is closed and is included in the range.
RIGHT_OPEN - Static variable in class
The right endpoint is open and is excluded from the range.


save(File) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Write the content of user config to a file.
secretsForMasking(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.RegistryHelper
set(String, boolean) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Set the value for the specified property key.
set(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
Set the value for the specified property key.
setCacheLocationStrategy(CacheLocationLocator) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
setCacheLocationStrategy(CacheLocationLocator) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
setConfigId(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
setConfigId(String) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSCommandInterpreter
setCredentialsId(String) - Method in class
setForce32Bit(boolean) - Method in class
setInstallations(NodeJSInstallation[]) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSPlugin
You should not set manually system NodeJS installation, in case use the standard #setInstallations(NodeJSInstallation[])
setNpm9Format(boolean) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig
Sets if the generated .npmrc format is compatible with NPM version 9.
setUp(SimpleBuildWrapper.Context, Run<?, ?>, FilePath, Launcher, TaskListener, EnvVars) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSBuildWrapper
start() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.NodeJSPlugin
SUNOS - Enum constant in enum class
supplyContent(Config, Run<?, ?>, FilePath, TaskListener, List<String>) - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMConfig.NPMConfigProvider
SystemTools_failureOnProperties() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key SystemTools.failureOnProperties: Error getting system properties on remote Node.
SystemTools_nodeNotAvailable(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key SystemTools.nodeNotAvailable: Node could be offline or there are no executor defined for Node {0}.
SystemTools_unsupported32bitArchitecture() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key SystemTools.unsupported32bitArchitecture: NodeJS does not have a 32bit package available for the current node.


toString() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.Npmrc
toString() - Method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.NPMRegistry
toString() - Method in class
Returns the string representation of this version identifier.
toString() - Method in class
Returns the string representation of this version range.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VerifyConfigProviderException - Exception in jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles
Signals an error in the a user configuration file when NPMConfig.doVerify() is called.
VerifyConfigProviderException(String) - Constructor for exception jenkins.plugins.nodejs.configfiles.VerifyConfigProviderException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.


WINDOWS - Enum constant in enum class


_CPU_unknown(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key CPU.unknown: Unknown CPU architecture: {0}.
_DefaultCacheLocationLocator_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key DefaultCacheLocationLocator.displayName: Default (~/.npm or %APP_DATA%\npm-cache).
_ExecutorCacheLocationLocator_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key ExecutorCacheLocationLocator.displayName: Local to the executor.
_InstallerPathResolver_unsupportedArch(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key InstallerPathResolver.unsupportedArch: Unresolvable nodeJS installer for version={0}, cpu={1}, platform={2}.
_InstallerPathResolver_unsupportedOS(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key InstallerPathResolver.unsupportedOS: Unresolvable nodeJS installer for version={0}, platform={1}.
_JobCacheLocationLocator_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key JobCacheLocationLocator.displayName: Local to the workspace.
_MirrorNodeJSInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key MirrorNodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Install from mirror.
_MirrorNodeJSInstaller_DescriptorImpl_emptyMirrorURL() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key MirrorNodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl.emptyMirrorURL: The Mirror URL field cannot be empty..
_MirrorNodeJSInstaller_DescriptorImpl_invalidURL() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key MirrorNodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl.invalidURL: Malformed URL.
_MirrorNodeJSInstaller_invalidCredentialsId(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key MirrorNodeJSInstaller.invalidCredentialsId: Credentials {0} does not exists.
_NodeJSBuilders_nodeOffline() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSBuilders.nodeOffline: Cannot get installation for node, since it is not online.
_NodeJSBuilders_noExecutableFound(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSBuilders.noExecutableFound: Couldn’t find any executable in "{0}".
_NodeJSBuilders_noInstallationFound(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSBuilders.noInstallationFound: No installation {0} found. Please define one in manager Jenkins..
_NodeJSBuildWrapper_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSBuildWrapper.displayName: Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH.
_NodeJSCommandInterpreter_commandFailed() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSCommandInterpreter.commandFailed: command execution failed.
_NodeJSCommandInterpreter_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSCommandInterpreter.displayName: Execute NodeJS script.
_NodeJSInstallation_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstallation.displayName: NodeJS.
_NodeJSInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Install from
_NodeJSInstaller_FailedToInstallNodeJS(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstaller.FailedToInstallNodeJS: Failed to install NodeJS. Exit code={0}.
_NodeJSInstaller_failedToUnpack(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstaller.failedToUnpack: Failed to unpack {0} ({1} bytes read).
_NodeJSInstaller_installFromCache(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NodeJSInstaller.installFromCache: Installing NodeJS from {0} to {1} on {2}.
_NPMConfig_default() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMConfig.default: - use system default -.
_NPMConfig_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMConfig.displayName: Npm config file.
_NPMConfig_verifyTooGlobalRegistry() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMConfig.verifyTooGlobalRegistry: Too many registries configured as global (no scope assigned), at most one is allowed..
_NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_emptyCredentialsId() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.emptyCredentialsId: Credentials is required.
_NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_emptyRegistryURL() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.emptyRegistryURL: Registry URL is required.
_NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_emptyScopes() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.emptyScopes: Scopes is required.
_NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_invalidCharInScopes() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.invalidCharInScopes: Remove the '@' character from scope.
_NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_invalidCredentialsId() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.invalidCredentialsId: Current credentials does not exists.
_NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_invalidRegistryURL() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.invalidRegistryURL: Invalid URL, should start with https://.
_NPMRegistry_DescriptorImpl_invalidScopes() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key NPMRegistry.DescriptorImpl.invalidScopes: Invalid scope.
_Platform_unknown(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key Platform.unknown: Unknown OS name: {0}.
_SystemTools_failureOnProperties() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key SystemTools.failureOnProperties: Error getting system properties on remote Node.
_SystemTools_nodeNotAvailable(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key SystemTools.nodeNotAvailable: Node could be offline or there are no executor defined for Node {0}.
_SystemTools_unsupported32bitArchitecture() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.nodejs.Messages
Key SystemTools.unsupported32bitArchitecture: NodeJS does not have a 32bit package available for the current node.
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