All Classes and Interfaces

Records the javadoc and archives it.
Launches the maven process.
Common part between MavenModule and MavenModuleSet.
Indicates that this Action for MavenBuild contributes an "aggregated" action to its governing MavenModuleSetBuild.
Uses Maven's default local repository, which is usually ~/.m2/repository, or the value of 'localRepository' in Maven's settings file, if defined.
Persisted record of mojo execution.
Used during the HTML rendering to cache the index.
ChangeLogSet implementation used for MavenBuild.
Strategy pattern that decides the location of the Maven local repository for a build.
Finds classworlds.jar
UI to redeploy artifacts after the fact.
Redeploy action for the entire MavenModuleSetBuild.
Action to be associated with MavenModuleSetBuild, which usually displays some aspect of the aggregated results of the module builds (such as aggregated test result, aggregated coverage report, etc.)
Provides a hook to change the arguments passed to the maven execution.
Captures information about an artifact created by Maven and archived by Jenkins, so that we can later deploy it to repositories of our choice.
Artifact holder that can be released in a finally-block.
Archives artifacts of the build.
Action that remembers artifacts that are built.
Callable that invokes Maven CLI (in process) and drives a build.
Remoting proxy interface for MavenReporters to talk to MavenBuild during the build.
Filter for MavenBuildProxy.
Callable for invoking MavenBuildProxy.BuildCallable asynchronously.
A part of MavenBuildProxy that's used internally for aggregated build.
Filter for MavenBuildProxy2.
Records fingerprints of the builds to keep track of dependencies.
Records the javadoc and archives it.
Sends out an e-mail notification for Maven build result.
Job that builds projects based on Maven2.
Group of MavenModules.
will log in the TaskListener when transferFailed and transferSucceeded
UI for probing Maven process.
Can contribute to project actions.
Listens to the build execution of MavenBuild, and normally records some information and exposes thoses in MavenBuild later.
Information about MavenReport that was executed.
Watches out for the execution of maven-site-plugin and records its output.
Augments SurefireReport by executing TestDataPublishers.
Records the javadoc and archives it.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
group id + artifact id + version and a flag to know if it's a plugin
Version independent name of a Maven project.
Information about Mojo to be executed.
Instance will be set to MojoInfo.mojo to avoid NPE in plugins.
Action signalling that this MavenModuleSet needs a full build on the next run even if it's marked as an incremental build.
Uses a local repository isolated per job.
Contributes additional code into Plexus container when we run Maven.
Contributes additional code into Plexus container when we run Maven.
Identifier of a specific version of a Maven plugin that consists of groupId, artifactId, and version.
Hold on to launched Maven processes so that multiple builds can reuse the same Maven JVM, which leads to improved performance.
Publisher for MavenModuleSetBuild to deploy artifacts after a build is fully succeeded.
Action to display links to the generated Maven reports.
Watches out for executions of MavenReport mojos and record its output.
MavenAggregatedReport for surefire report.
Records the surefire test result.
Action that displays surefire test result.
Identify the Host name to use from maven-agent to connect to to Jenkins agent TCP socket.
A maven reporter expressing whether he found test failures and the build should be marked as UNSTABLE.
Action which remembers all module which have not been built since the last successful build though they should have been, because they have SCM changes since then.