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All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description LastReleaseListViewColumn ListViewColumn
that shows the last released version and date.LastReleaseListViewColumn.DescriptorImpl LastReleaseListViewColumn.Info LastReleasePermalink Resolves to the last release.M2ReleaseAction The action appears as the link in the side bar that users will click on in order to start the release process.M2ReleaseArgumentInterceptorAction This action provides the arguments to trigger maven in case of a release build.M2ReleaseArgumentsAction Action attached to the build that will record what we should do.M2ReleaseBadgeAction The M2ReleaseBadgeAction displays a small icon next to any release build in the build history.M2ReleaseBuildWrapper Wraps aMavenBuild
to be able to run the maven release plugin on demand, with the ability to auto close a Nexus Pro Staging RepoM2ReleaseBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl Messages Generated localization support class.PluginImpl RecentReleasesPortlet RecentReleasesPortlet.DescriptorImpl ReleaseCause Stage A holder class to contain information about a Nexus Professional Staging repository.StageAction StageClient The Stage client acts as the interface to Nexus Pro staging via the Nexus REST APIs.StageException Exception that indicates something has gone wrong with a staging request.