Class LDAPExtendedTemplate

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean, org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapOperations

    public class LDAPExtendedTemplate
    extends org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate

        org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate.MappingCollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler<T extends Object>, org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate.NullDirContextProcessor
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      LDAPExtendedTemplate​(org.springframework.ldap.core.ContextSource dirContextFactory)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> List<? extends T> searchForAllEntries​(String base, String filter, Object[] filterArgs, String[] attributeNames, LdapEntryMapper<T> mapper)
      Performs a search using the specified filter and returns a List of all matching entries using the given LdapEntryMapper to convert each entry into a result.
      <T> T searchForFirstEntry​(String base, String filter, Object[] filterArgs, String[] attributeNames, LdapEntryMapper<T> mapper)
      Performs a search using the specified filter and returns the first matching entry using the given LdapEntryMapper to convert the entry into a result.
      • Methods inherited from class org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate

        afterPropertiesSet, authenticate, authenticate, authenticate, authenticate, authenticate, authenticate, authenticate, authenticate, authenticate, authenticate, bind, bind, bind, create, delete, deleteRecursively, executeReadOnly, executeReadWrite, find, find, findAll, findAll, findByDn, findOne, getContextSource, getObjectDirectoryMapper, list, list, list, list, list, list, listBindings, listBindings, listBindings, listBindings, listBindings, listBindings, listBindings, listBindings, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookup, lookupContext, lookupContext, modifyAttributes, modifyAttributes, modifyAttributes, rebind, rebind, rebind, rename, rename, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, search, searchForContext, searchForObject, searchForObject, searchForObject, searchForObject, searchForObject, setContextSource, setDefaultCountLimit, setDefaultSearchScope, setDefaultTimeLimit, setIgnoreNameNotFoundException, setIgnorePartialResultException, setIgnoreSizeLimitExceededException, setObjectDirectoryMapper, unbind, unbind, unbind, unbind, update
    • Constructor Detail

      • LDAPExtendedTemplate

        public LDAPExtendedTemplate​(org.springframework.ldap.core.ContextSource dirContextFactory)
    • Method Detail

      • searchForFirstEntry

        public <T> T searchForFirstEntry​(@NonNull
                                         String base,
                                         String filter,
                                         Object[] filterArgs,
                                         String[] attributeNames,
                                         LdapEntryMapper<T> mapper)
        Performs a search using the specified filter and returns the first matching entry using the given LdapEntryMapper to convert the entry into a result.
        base - the DN to search in. Must not be null.
        filter - the search filter to use. Must not be null.
        filterArgs - the arguments to substitute into the search filter. Passing null is equivalent to an empty array.
        attributeNames - the attributes whose values will be retrieved. Passing null returns all attributes.
        mapper - the LdapEntryMapper that will convert the search results into returned values. Must not be null.
        the first matching entry converted using the specified LdapEntryMapper, or null if no matching entry was found.
      • searchForAllEntries

        public <T> List<? extends T> searchForAllEntries​(@NonNull
                                                         String base,
                                                         String filter,
                                                         Object[] filterArgs,
                                                         String[] attributeNames,
                                                         LdapEntryMapper<T> mapper)
        Performs a search using the specified filter and returns a List of all matching entries using the given LdapEntryMapper to convert each entry into a result.
        base - the DN to search in. Must not be null.
        filter - the search filter to use. Must not be null.
        filterArgs - the arguments to substitute into the search filter. Passing null is equivalent to an empty array.
        attributeNames - the attributes whose values will be retrieved. Passing null returns all attributes.
        mapper - the LdapEntryMapper that will convert the search results into returned values. Must not be null.
        a List of matching entries converted using the specified LdapEntryMapper.