Class KsmTestNotation

    • Constructor Detail

      • KsmTestNotation

        public KsmTestNotation()
    • Method Detail

      • addTestData

        public void addTestData​(String jsonString)
        This method will add test data. It takes a JSON structure which it will turn into KeeperSecrets. To be perfectly honest, this is just overkill for one project. Right now it's limited to the Login and Password fields, but can be expanded. { "secrets": [ { "uid": "XXXXX", "title": "My Title", "type": "login", "note": "Some note", "fields": [ { "label": "Field Label", "fieldType": "Login", "values": ["MY_LOGIN"] } ], "files": [ { "name": "File name and title", "data": "BASE64" } ] } ] }
        jsonString - The JSON string
      • getNotationSecrets

        public com.keepersecurity.secretsManager.core.KeeperSecrets getNotationSecrets​(com.keepersecurity.secretsManager.core.SecretsManagerOptions options,
                                                                                       List<String> uids)
        getNotationSecrets in class KsmNotation
      • downloadDataFile

        public byte[] downloadDataFile​(com.keepersecurity.secretsManager.core.KeeperFile file)
        downloadDataFile in class KsmNotation
      • writeJsonData

        public void writeJsonData​(String jsonString)
      • hasDataFile

        public static boolean hasDataFile()
      • removeJsonData

        public static void removeJsonData()