Class EnterpriseRestClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class EnterpriseRestClient
    extends Object
    implements EnterpriseClient
    Provides methods to communicating with AppSpider Enterprise while obsuring the implementation details of that communication.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EnterpriseRestClient

        public EnterpriseRestClient​(HttpClientService clientService,
                                    String restEndPointUrl,
                                    ApiSerializer apiSerializer,
                                    ContentHelper contentHelper,
                                    LoggerFacade logger)
        Instantiates a new instance of the EnterpriseClient class
        clientService - helper that works directly with lower level HttpClient methods
        restEndPointUrl - base endpoint including /rest/v1 or equilvalent path
        apiSerializer - Helper class providing handling of HttpResponse to JSONObject methods
        contentHelper - Helper class providing parsing and encoding methods to support api calls
        logger - logger used for diagnostic output
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if any of the arguments are null or if restEntPointUrl is empty
    • Method Detail

      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()
        returns the full URL for the enterprise rest endpoint
        Specified by:
        getUrl in interface EnterpriseClient
        the full URL for the enterprise rest endpoint
      • login

        public Optional<String> login​(AuthenticationModel authModel)
        calls the /Authentication/Login endpoint with provided details
        Specified by:
        login in interface EnterpriseClient
        authModel - authentication details such as username, password and optionally clientId
        on success Optional containing the authorization token; otherwise empty
      • testAuthentication

        public boolean testAuthentication​(AuthenticationModel authModel)
        calls the /Authentication/Login endpoint with provided details returning true if credentials are valid
        Specified by:
        testAuthentication in interface EnterpriseClient
        authModel - authentication details such as username, password and optionally clientId
        true if endpoint returns authorization token; otherwise, false
      • getEngineGroupNamesForClient

        public Optional<String[]> getEngineGroupNamesForClient​(String authToken)
        fetches the names of available engine groups
        Specified by:
        getEngineGroupNamesForClient in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        On success an Optional containing an array of Strings representing the names of available engine groups; otherwise, Optional.empty()
      • getEngineGroupIdFromName

        public Optional<String> getEngineGroupIdFromName​(String authToken,
                                                         String engineGroupName)
        fetches the unique id of the engine group given by engineGroupName
        Specified by:
        getEngineGroupIdFromName in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        engineGroupName - name of the engine to get the id of
        Optional containing the id of the engine group if found; otherwise, Optional.empty()
      • runScanByConfigName

        public ScanResult runScanByConfigName​(String authToken,
                                              String configName)
        starts a new scan using configuration matching configName
        Specified by:
        runScanByConfigName in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        configName - name of the config to run
        ScanResult containing details on the success of the request and if successful the unique id of the scan
      • getScanStatus

        public Optional<String> getScanStatus​(String authToken,
                                              String scanId)
        gets the current status of the scan identified by scanId
        Specified by:
        getScanStatus in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        scanId - unique scan identifier of the scan
        Optional containing current scan status as String on success; Otherwise Optional.empty()
      • isScanFinished

        public boolean isScanFinished​(String authToken,
                                      String scanId)
        determines if the scan identified by scanId has finished
        Specified by:
        isScanFinished in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        scanId - unique scan identifier of the scan
        true if scan has finished regardless of how it finished, or false if it hasn't
      • hasReport

        public boolean hasReport​(String authToken,
                                 String scanId)
        determines if a scan identified by scanId has a report or not
        Specified by:
        hasReport in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        scanId - unique scan identifier of the scan
        true if the scan has a report; otherwise, false
      • getConfigNames

        public Optional<String[]> getConfigNames​(String authToken)
        returns String[] of scan config names
        Specified by:
        getConfigNames in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        String[] of all scan config names
      • saveConfig

        public boolean saveConfig​(String authToken,
                                  String name,
                                  URL url,
                                  String engineGroupId)
        calls the /Configs/SaveConfig endpoint using the provided data to create or update a configuration
        Specified by:
        saveConfig in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        name - name of the scanconfig to save
        url - target URL for the scan
        engineGroupId - unique engine group id for the engine(s) to be used to execute the scan
        true on success; otherwise, false
      • getVulnerabilitiesSummaryXml

        public Optional<String> getVulnerabilitiesSummaryXml​(String authToken,
                                                             String scanId)
        gets the vulnerability summary XML as a String
        Specified by:
        getVulnerabilitiesSummaryXml in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        scanId - unique scan identifier of the scan to provide report for
        Optional containing the vulnerability summary as XML String on success; otherwise, Optional.empty()
      • getReportZip

        public Optional<InputStream> getReportZip​(String authToken,
                                                  String scanId)
        provides InputStream for the request report zip
        Specified by:
        getReportZip in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        scanId - unique scan identifier of the scan to provide report for
        Optional containing InputStream on success; otherwise, Optional.empty()
      • getClientNameIdPairs

        public Optional<List<ClientIdNamePair>> getClientNameIdPairs​(String authToken)
        gets an array of all name/id pairs of clients that the authorized user can access
        Specified by:
        getClientNameIdPairs in interface EnterpriseClient
        authToken - authorization token required to execute request
        array of ClientIdNamePair objects representing the id's and names of accessible clients