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AbstractIvyBuild<P extends AbstractIvyProject<P,B>,B extends AbstractIvyBuild<P,B>> - Class in hudson.ivy
AbstractIvyBuild(P) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyBuild
AbstractIvyBuild(P, File) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyBuild
AbstractIvyBuild(P, Calendar) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyBuild
AbstractIvyBuild.ParameterizedUpstreamCause - Class in hudson.ivy
AbstractIvyProject<P extends AbstractProject<P,R>,R extends AbstractBuild<P,R>> - Class in hudson.ivy
Common part between IvyModule and IvyModuleSet.
AbstractIvyProject(ItemGroup, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyProject
addTransientActionsFromBuild(IvyBuild, List<Action>, Set<Class>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
addTransientActionsFromBuild(IvyModuleSetBuild, List<Action>, Set<Class>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
addTransientActionsFromBuild(R, List<Action>, Set<Class>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyProject
AggregatableAction - Interface in hudson.ivy
Indicates that this Action for IvyBuild contributes an "aggregated" action to its governing IvyModuleSetBuild.
all() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporterDescriptor
Lists all the currently registered instances of IvyReporterDescriptor.
AntIvyBuilderEnvironment() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.AntIvyBuildWrapper.AntIvyBuilderEnvironment
AntIvyBuilderType - Class in hudson.ivy.builder
AntIvyBuilderType(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
AntIvyBuilderType.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.ivy.builder
AntIvyBuildWrapper - Class in hudson.ivy
A custom wrapper providing an extended Environment that can be used to customize the execution of Ant.
AntIvyBuildWrapper() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.AntIvyBuildWrapper
AntIvyBuildWrapper.AntIvyBuilderEnvironment - Class in hudson.ivy
appendLastLog() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy2
Ant produces additional error message after the module build is done.
appendLastLog() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy2.Filter
asDependency() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
Gets organisation+name+revision as ModuleDependency.
asProject() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
assignBuildNumber() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
To make it easy to grasp relationship among modules and the module set, we'll align the build numbers of all the modules.
AsyncInvoker(IvyBuildProxy, IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter.AsyncInvoker


BecauseOfModuleBuildInProgress(IvyModule) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.BecauseOfModuleBuildInProgress
BecauseOfUpstreamModuleBuildInProgress(AbstractProject<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyModule.BecauseOfUpstreamModuleBuildInProgress
branch - Variable in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
buildDependencyGraph(AbstractProject, DependencyGraph) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
Build the dependency graph based on the Ivy ModuleDescriptor for this trigger.
buildDependencyGraph(DependencyGraph) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
buildDependencyGraph(DependencyGraph) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild.IvyModuleEnvironmentAction


call() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuilder
This code is executed inside the Ant jail process.
call() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter.AsyncInvoker
call(IvyBuild) - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable
Performs computation and returns the result, or throws some exception.
compareTo(ModuleName) - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Configure the Descriptor from a GUI request.
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.DescriptorImpl
core - Variable in class hudson.ivy.FilteredChangeLogSet
core - Variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
createAggregatedAction(IvyModuleSetBuild, Map<IvyModule, List<IvyBuild>>) - Method in interface hudson.ivy.AggregatableAction
Creates Action to be contributed to IvyModuleSetBuild.
createModulePublishers() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
Creates a list of Publishers to be used for a build of this project.
createTransientActions() - Method in class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyProject
createTransientActions() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet


debug - Static variable in class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyBuild
Extra verbose debug switch.
debug - Static variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
Set true to produce debug output.
debug - Static variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
Extra verbose debug switch.
deepClone(T) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyClonerWrapper
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
The descriptor of this trigger.
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.IvyConfiguration.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.DescriptorImpl
doCheckFileInWorkspace(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
Check the location of the ivy descriptor file, alternate settings file, etc - any file.
doCheckIvyConf(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Check that the Ivy configuration file exists.
doCheckIvyFile(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Check that the workspace relative path to the ivy.xml file was entered and conforms to basic expectations.
doCheckIvySettingsFile(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
Check that the provided file exists, just in case.
doDoDeleteAllDisabledModules(StaplerResponse2) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
Delete all disabled modules.
doEndProgress(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyMessageImpl
doFillSettingsItems(ItemGroup) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.DescriptorImpl
doHandleExternalTrigger(StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Simulate what would happen internally if a successful build occurred on an IvyBuildTrigger managed project.
dontClone(Class<?>...) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyClonerWrapper
doProgress() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyMessageImpl
doSetName(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule


end() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy2
Notifies that the build has left a module.
end() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy2.Filter
end(IvyBuild, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
Called after the Ant/Ivy execution finished and the result is determined.
enterModule(IvyBuildProxy, BuildEvent, BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
Called when the build enters a next AbstractIvyProject.
equals(Object) - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
equals(Object) - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
execute(IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable<V, T>) - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
Executes the given IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable on the master, where one has access to IvyBuild and all the other Jenkins objects.
execute(IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable<V, T>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
executeAsync(IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable<?, ?>) - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
Executes the given IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable asynchronously on the master.
executeAsync(IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter


Filter(CORE) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
Filter(CORE) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy2.Filter
FilteredChangeLogSet - Class in hudson.ivy
ChangeLogSet implementation used for IvyBuild.
findModuleBuildActions(Class<T>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
Finds Actions from all the module builds that belong to this IvyModuleSetBuild.
fromFileSystemName(String) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
fromString(String) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
futures - Variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuilder
Record all asynchronous executions as they are scheduled, to make sure they are all completed before we finish.


getAdditionalArgs() - Method in class hudson.ivy.AntIvyBuildWrapper.AntIvyBuilderEnvironment
getAdditionalOpts() - Method in class hudson.ivy.AntIvyBuildWrapper.AntIvyBuilderEnvironment
getAggregatedProjectAction(IvyModuleSet) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
getAllIvyModules() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
Returns all Ivy modules in this Jenkins instance.
getAllJobs() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getAntName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
getAntOpts() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
getAntProperties() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
getArtifactsDir() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
getArtifactsDir() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
getAssignedLabel() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
IvyModule uses the workspace of the IvyModuleSet, so it always needs to be built on the same slave as the parent.
getBuildClass() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getBuildClass() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getBuilder(Properties, String, List<Environment>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
getBuilder(Properties, String, List<Environment>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.IvyBuilderType
getBuilder(Properties, String, List<Environment>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType
getBuilderTypeDescriptors() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getBuildFile() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
getBuildFile() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType
getBuildWrappers() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
as of 1.335 Use IvyModuleSet.getBuildWrappersList() to be consistent with other subtypes of AbstractProject.
getBuildWrappersList() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getBuildWrappersList() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getCalculatedAntOpts(List<Environment>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
Possibly null, whitespace-separated (including TAB, NL, etc) VM options to be used to launch Ant process.
getCalculatedTargets(String, List<Environment>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
getCauseOfBlockage() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getCauseOfBlockage() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getChangedModulesProperty() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getChangeSet() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
getClassLoader() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuilder
getClassLoader() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter.AsyncInvoker
getConfigurations() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
getDescriptor() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.IvyBuilderType
getDescriptor() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getDescriptor() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
getDisabledModules(boolean) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
Possibly empty list of all disabled modules (if disabled==true) or all enabled modules (if disabled==false)
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild.IvyModuleEnvironmentAction
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Implement the Descriptor's display name.
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.DescriptorImpl
getDownstreamRelationship(AbstractProject) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
getDynamic(String, StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getDynamic(String, StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
getEnvironment() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
getEnvironment() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.IvyBuilderType
getEnvironment() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType
getEnvironment(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
Exposes ANT_OPTS to forked processes.
getExists() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.IvyConfiguration
getGlobalAntOpts() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.DescriptorImpl
getIconFileName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild.IvyModuleEnvironmentAction
getIndividualActionType() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyAggregatedReport
Returns the implementation class of AggregatableAction that produces this IvyAggregatedReport.
getInstallations() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType.DescriptorImpl
getInstallations() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType.DescriptorImpl
getItem(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getItems() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getIvy(File, String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
getIvyBranch() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
Gets the Ivy branch in the ivy.xml file as of the last build.
getIvyBranch() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getIvyBuilderType() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getIvyConfName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
getIvyConfPath() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.IvyConfiguration
getIvyFile() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
getIvyFileExcludesPattern() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getIvyFilePattern() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getIvylabel() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.UserCause
getIvyPropertiesFile() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
getIvySettingsFile() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getIvySettingsPropertyFiles() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getJDK() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getLogRotator() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
IvyModule follows the same log rotation schedule as its parent.
getLogs() - Method in class hudson.ivy.FilteredChangeLogSet
getMilliSecsSinceBuildStart() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
getMilliSecsSinceBuildStart() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
# of milliseconds elapsed since IvyBuildProxy.getTimestamp().
getModule(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getModuleBuilds() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
Computes the module builds that correspond to this build.
getModuleClass() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getModuleLastBuilds() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
Computes the latest module builds that correspond to this build.
getModuleName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getModulePublishers() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
List of active Publishers that should be applied to all module builds.
getModules() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getModuleSetBuild() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
Gets the "governing" IvyModuleSet that has set the workspace for this build.
getModuleSetRootDir() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
getModuleSetRootDir() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
Root directory of the owner IvyModuleSet
getName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.IvyConfiguration
getName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
getNantName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType
getNantOpts() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType
getNantProperties() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType
getParent() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
getParent() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getParent() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
getParentBuild() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
Gets the IvyModuleSetBuild that has the same build number.
getProjectAction(IvyModule) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
getProjectAction(IvyModuleSet) - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyAggregatedReport
getProjectActions(IvyModule) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
getProjectRootDir() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
getProjectRootDir() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
Root directory of the parent of this build.
getPronoun() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getPublishers() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
List of active Publishers configured for this module.
getPublishers() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
List of active Publishers.
getPublishersList() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getPublishersList() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getQueueItems() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
Returns the IvyModules that are in the queue.
getRelativePath() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
Relative path to this module's root directory from the workspace of a IvyModuleSet.
getRelativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getRelativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getRelativePathToModuleRoot() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getRequiredMonitorService() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
getResourceActivities() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getResult() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
Displays the combined status of all modules.
getRevision() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
Gets the revision number in the ivy.xml file as of the last build.
getRootDir() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
getRootDir() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
Root directory of the build.
getRootDirFor(IvyModule) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getSettings() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getShortDescription() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.UserCause
getShortDescription() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule.BecauseOfUpstreamModuleBuildInProgress
getShortDescription() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.BecauseOfModuleBuildInProgress
getShortUrl() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getTargets() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.AntIvyBuilderType
getTargets() - Method in class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType
getTargets() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
Gets the list of targets to execute for this module.
getTestResultAction() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getTimestamp() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
getTimestamp() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
getUpStreamParameters() - Method in class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyBuild.ParameterizedUpstreamCause
getUpUrl() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
getUrlChildPrefix() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
getUrlName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild.IvyModuleEnvironmentAction
getUserConfiguredRelativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
getWorkspaceResource() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
as of 1.319 in AbstractProject.


hasChangeSetComputed() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
We always get the changeset from IvyModuleSetBuild.
hasConfigScreen() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporterDescriptor
Returns true if this descriptor has config.jelly.
hasDisabledModule() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
Returns true if there's any disabled module.
hashCode() - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
hashCode() - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
hudson.ivy - package hudson.ivy
hudson.ivy.builder - package hudson.ivy.builder


ignoreUpstreamChanges() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
isAggregatorStyleBuild() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
isAllowedToTriggerDownstream() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Check if this Descriptor is applicable to the job type.
isArchivingDisabled() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
isArchivingDisabled() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
If true, artifacts will not actually be archived to master.
isArchivingDisabled() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
isBuildable() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
isEmptySet() - Method in class hudson.ivy.FilteredChangeLogSet
isExtendedVersionMatching() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
isFingerprintConfigured() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
isFingerprintConfigured() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
isIncrementalBuild() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
isNameEditable() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
isTriggerWhenUnstable() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
isUseUpstreamParameters() - Method in class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyProject
isUseUpstreamParameters() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
isUseUpstreamParameters() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
isUseUpstreamParameters() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
isValid(String) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
Checks if the given name is valid module name string format created by ModuleName.toString().
iterator() - Method in class hudson.ivy.FilteredChangeLogSet
IvyAggregatedReport - Interface in hudson.ivy
Action to be associated with IvyModuleSetBuild, which usually displays some aspect of the aggregated results of the module builds (such as aggregated test result, aggregated coverage report, etc.)
IvyBuild - Class in hudson.ivy
IvyBuild(IvyModule) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
IvyBuild(IvyModule, File) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
IvyBuild(IvyModule, Calendar) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
IvyBuild_FailedEarlier() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuild.FailedEarlier: Build failed before it gets to this module.
IvyBuild_Triggering(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuild.Triggering: Triggering a new build of {0}.
IvyBuild.IvyModuleEnvironmentAction - Class in hudson.ivy
IvyBuilder - Class in hudson.ivy
Callable that invokes Ant CLI (in process) and drives a build.
IvyBuilder(BuildListener, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuilder
IvyBuilder_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuilder.Aborted: Aborted.
IvyBuilder_Failed() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuilder.Failed: Ivy failed with error..
IvyBuilder_Waiting() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuilder.Waiting: Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data.
IvyBuilderType - Class in hudson.ivy.builder
IvyBuilderType() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.builder.IvyBuilderType
IvyBuilderTypeDescriptor - Class in hudson.ivy.builder
IvyBuilderTypeDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.builder.IvyBuilderTypeDescriptor
IvyBuildProxy - Interface in hudson.ivy
Remoting proxy interface for IvyReporters to talk to IvyBuild during the build.
IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable<V,T extends Throwable> - Interface in hudson.ivy
IvyBuildProxy.Filter<CORE extends IvyBuildProxy> - Class in hudson.ivy
Filter for IvyBuildProxy.
IvyBuildProxy.Filter.AsyncInvoker - Class in hudson.ivy
Callable for invoking IvyBuildProxy.BuildCallable asynchronously.
IvyBuildProxy2 - Interface in hudson.ivy
A part of IvyBuildProxy that's used internally for aggregated build.
IvyBuildProxy2.Filter<CORE extends IvyBuildProxy2> - Class in hudson.ivy
Filter for IvyBuildProxy2.
IvyBuildTrigger - Class in hudson.ivy
Trigger the build of other project based on the Ivy dependency management system.
IvyBuildTrigger(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
IvyBuildTrigger(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
IvyBuildTrigger_CheckIvyConf_PathNotFileError(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.CheckIvyConf.PathNotFileError: Path {0} is not a file.
IvyBuildTrigger_CheckIvyConf_PathRequiredError() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.CheckIvyConf.PathRequiredError: The Ivy settings path is required.
IvyBuildTrigger_CheckIvyFile_PathAbsoluteError() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.CheckIvyFile.PathAbsoluteError: The path to the ivy.xml file must be relative to the root of the project workspace.
IvyBuildTrigger_CheckIvyFile_PathRequiredError() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.CheckIvyFile.PathRequiredError: The path to the ivy.xml file is required.
IvyBuildTrigger_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.DisplayName: Trigger the build of other projects based on the Ivy dependency management system.
IvyBuildTrigger_UserCause_ShortDescription(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.UserCause.ShortDescription: IvyBuildTrigger external event ({0}): Started by user {1}.
IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.ivy
The descriptor implementation of this trigger
IvyBuildTrigger.IvyConfiguration - Class in hudson.ivy
Container for the Ivy configuration.
IvyBuildTrigger.IvyConfiguration.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.ivy
IvyBuildTrigger.UserCause - Class in hudson.ivy
This cause is used when triggering downstream builds from the external event trigger.
IvyClonerWrapper - Class in hudson.ivy
IvyClonerWrapper() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyClonerWrapper
IvyConfig - Class in hudson.ivy
IvyConfig(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyConfig
IvyConfig(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyConfig
IvyConfig(Config) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyConfig
IvyConfiguration(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.IvyConfiguration
IvyDependency - Class in hudson.ivy
Base class representing an Ivy Project build dependency.
IvyDependency(AbstractProject<?, ?>, AbstractProject<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyDependency
IvyMessageImpl - Class in hudson.ivy
This implements Ivy's MessageLogger.
IvyMessageImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyMessageImpl
IvyModule - Class in hudson.ivy
Job that builds projects based on Ivy.
IvyModule_Pronoun() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModule.Pronoun: Module.
IvyModule_UpstreamModuleBuildInProgress(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModule.UpstreamModuleBuildInProgress: Upstream module {0} is already building..
IvyModule.BecauseOfUpstreamModuleBuildInProgress - Class in hudson.ivy
Because the upstream module build is in progress, and we are configured to wait for that.
IvyModuleEnvironmentAction() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild.IvyModuleEnvironmentAction
IvyModuleSet - Class in hudson.ivy
Group of IvyModules.
IvyModuleSet(ItemGroup, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
IvyModuleSet(String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
IvyModuleSet_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSet.DisplayName: Ivy project.
IvyModuleSet_ModuleBuildInProgress(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSet.ModuleBuildInProgress: Module {0} is still building..
IvyModuleSet.BecauseOfModuleBuildInProgress - Class in hudson.ivy
Because one of our own modules is currently building.
IvyModuleSet.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.ivy
IvyModuleSetBuild - Class in hudson.ivy
IvyModuleSetBuild(IvyModuleSet) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
IvyModuleSetBuild(IvyModuleSet, File) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
IvyModuleSetBuild_DiscoveredModule(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.DiscoveredModule: Discovered a new module {0} {1}.
IvyModuleSetBuild_FailedToParseIvyXml() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.FailedToParseIvyXml: Failed to parse ivy.xml files.
IvyModuleSetBuild_NoIvyInstall() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.NoIvyInstall: An Ivy installation needs to be available for this project to be built. Either your server has no Ivy installations defined, or the requested Ivy version does not exist..
IvyModuleSetBuild_NoSuchIvySettingsFile(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.NoSuchIvySettingsFile: No such settings file {0} exists Please verify that your Ivy settings file is specified properly and exists in the workspace..
IvyModuleSetBuild_NoSuchIvyXmlFile(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.NoSuchIvyXmlFile: No such file {0} Perhaps you need to specify the correct ivy.xml file path in the project configuration?.
IvyModuleSetBuild_NoSuchPropertyFile(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.NoSuchPropertyFile: No such property file {0} exists Please verify that your Ivy settings property files are specified properly and exist in the workspace..
IvyProbeAction_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyProbeAction.DisplayName: Monitor Ivy Process.
IvyReporter - Class in hudson.ivy
Listens to the build execution of IvyBuild, and normally records some information and exposes these in IvyBuild later.
IvyReporter() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
IvyReporterDescriptor - Class in hudson.ivy
IvyReporterDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyReporterDescriptor
Infers the type of the corresponding Describable from the outer class.
IvyReporterDescriptor(Class<? extends IvyReporter>) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyReporterDescriptor
IvyThresholdDependency - Class in hudson.ivy
Invoke downstream projects with applicable parameters using Jenkins' DependencyGraph.Dependency interface.
IvyThresholdDependency(AbstractProject<?, ?>, AbstractProject<?, ?>, Result, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyThresholdDependency
IvyVirtualDependency - Class in hudson.ivy
Represents a dependency that never triggers a downstream build.
IvyVirtualDependency(AbstractProject<?, ?>, AbstractProject<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyVirtualDependency


leaveModule(IvyBuildProxy, BuildEvent, BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
Called when the build leaves the current AbstractIvyProject.
listener - Variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuilder
Where error messages and so on are sent.
log(String, int) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyMessageImpl
logRotate() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet


makeSearchIndex() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
Messages - Class in hudson.ivy
Generated localization support class.
Messages() - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.Messages
module - Variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.BecauseOfModuleBuildInProgress
ModuleDependency - Class in hudson.ivy
organisation + name + revision + branch.
ModuleDependency(ModuleName, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
ModuleDependency(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
ModuleDependency(DependencyDescriptor) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
ModuleDependency(ModuleDescriptor) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
ModuleName - Class in hudson.ivy
Version independent name of an Ivy module.
ModuleName(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
ModuleName(DependencyDescriptor) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
ModuleName(ModuleDescriptor) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.ModuleName


name - Variable in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
name - Variable in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
NAntIvyBuilderType - Class in hudson.ivy.builder
NAntIvyBuilderType(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.builder.NAntIvyBuilderType
NAntIvyBuilderType.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.ivy.builder
needsToRunAfterFinalized() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
IvyBuildTrigger is only responsible for helping to build dependency graphs based on Ivy settings and configuration.
newAutoInstance(IvyModule) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporterDescriptor
Returns an instance used for automatic IvyReporter activation.
newBuild() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
newInstance(ItemGroup, String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.DescriptorImpl
newInstance(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporterDescriptor


onDeleted(IvyModule) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item>, String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item>, String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
onRenamed(IvyModule, String, String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
organisation - Variable in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
organisation - Variable in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName


ParameterizedUpstreamCause(Run<?, ?>, List<ParametersAction>) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyBuild.ParameterizedUpstreamCause
perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger
The BuildStep perform implementation.
performDelete() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
postBuild(IvyBuildProxy, BuildEvent, BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
Called after a build of one Ivy module is completed.
preBuild(IvyBuildProxy, BuildEvent, BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyReporter
Called before the actual ant execution begins.
provider - Static variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyConfig


rawlog(String, int) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyMessageImpl
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
registerAsAggregatedProjectAction(IvyReporter) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
registerAsAggregatedProjectAction(IvyReporter) - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
Nominates that the reporter will contribute a project action for this build by using IvyReporter.getAggregatedProjectAction(IvyModuleSet).
registerAsProjectAction(IvyReporter) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
registerAsProjectAction(IvyReporter) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
registerAsProjectAction(IvyReporter) - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
Nominates that the reporter will contribute a project action for this build by using IvyReporter.getProjectAction(IvyModule).
registerAsProjectAction(IvyReporter) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild
revision - Variable in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
run() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
run() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSetBuild


save() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
scheduleBuild(Cause) - Method in class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyProject
scheduleDownstreamBuilds(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.ivy.AbstractIvyBuild
Schedules all the downstream builds.
setAggregatorStyleBuild(boolean) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setAllowedToTriggerDownstream(boolean) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setConfigurations(IvyBuildTrigger.IvyConfiguration[]) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
setExtendedVersionMatching(boolean) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
setGlobalAntOpts(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet.DescriptorImpl
setIgnoreUpstreamChanges(boolean) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setIncrementalBuild(boolean) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setIsArchivingDisabled(boolean) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setIvyBranch(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setIvyFileExcludesPattern(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setIvyFilePattern(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setIvySettingsFile(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setIvySettingsPropertyFiles(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setLogRotator(LogRotator) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
Not allowed to configure log rotation per module.
setRelativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot(String) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setResult(Result) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy.Filter
setResult(Result) - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy
setUseUpstreamParameters(boolean) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
setWorkspace(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuild
Backdoor for IvyModuleSetBuild to assign workspaces for modules.
shouldTriggerBuild(AbstractBuild, TaskListener, List<Action>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyThresholdDependency
shouldTriggerBuild(AbstractBuild, TaskListener, List<Action>) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyVirtualDependency
start() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy2.Filter
start() - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyBuildProxy2
Notifies that the build has entered a module.
submit(StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
submit(StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2) - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
supportsLogRotator() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule


toFileSystemName() - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
Returns the "organisation$name" form, which is safe for the use as a file name, unlike ModuleName.toString().
toString() - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleName
Returns the "organization:name" form.


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
For compatibility reason, this value may be used in the revision and branch fields to indicate that they are unknown.
up - Variable in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule.BecauseOfUpstreamModuleBuildInProgress
update(Map<IvyModule, List<IvyBuild>>, IvyBuild) - Method in interface hudson.ivy.IvyAggregatedReport
Called whenever a new module build is completed, to update the aggregated report.
updateTransientActions() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModule
updateTransientActions() - Method in class hudson.ivy.IvyModuleSet
UserCause(String) - Constructor for class hudson.ivy.IvyBuildTrigger.UserCause


withUnknownRevision() - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
Returns organisation+name+branch with unknown revision.
withUnknownRevisionAndBranch() - Method in class hudson.ivy.ModuleDependency
Returns organisation+name with unknown revision and branch.


_IvyBuild_FailedEarlier() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuild.FailedEarlier: Build failed before it gets to this module.
_IvyBuild_Triggering(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuild.Triggering: Triggering a new build of {0}.
_IvyBuilder_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuilder.Aborted: Aborted.
_IvyBuilder_Failed() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuilder.Failed: Ivy failed with error..
_IvyBuilder_Waiting() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuilder.Waiting: Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data.
_IvyBuildTrigger_CheckIvyConf_PathNotFileError(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.CheckIvyConf.PathNotFileError: Path {0} is not a file.
_IvyBuildTrigger_CheckIvyConf_PathRequiredError() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.CheckIvyConf.PathRequiredError: The Ivy settings path is required.
_IvyBuildTrigger_CheckIvyFile_PathAbsoluteError() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.CheckIvyFile.PathAbsoluteError: The path to the ivy.xml file must be relative to the root of the project workspace.
_IvyBuildTrigger_CheckIvyFile_PathRequiredError() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.CheckIvyFile.PathRequiredError: The path to the ivy.xml file is required.
_IvyBuildTrigger_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.DisplayName: Trigger the build of other projects based on the Ivy dependency management system.
_IvyBuildTrigger_UserCause_ShortDescription(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyBuildTrigger.UserCause.ShortDescription: IvyBuildTrigger external event ({0}): Started by user {1}.
_IvyModule_Pronoun() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModule.Pronoun: Module.
_IvyModule_UpstreamModuleBuildInProgress(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModule.UpstreamModuleBuildInProgress: Upstream module {0} is already building..
_IvyModuleSet_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSet.DisplayName: Ivy project.
_IvyModuleSet_ModuleBuildInProgress(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSet.ModuleBuildInProgress: Module {0} is still building..
_IvyModuleSetBuild_DiscoveredModule(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.DiscoveredModule: Discovered a new module {0} {1}.
_IvyModuleSetBuild_FailedToParseIvyXml() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.FailedToParseIvyXml: Failed to parse ivy.xml files.
_IvyModuleSetBuild_NoIvyInstall() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.NoIvyInstall: An Ivy installation needs to be available for this project to be built. Either your server has no Ivy installations defined, or the requested Ivy version does not exist..
_IvyModuleSetBuild_NoSuchIvySettingsFile(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.NoSuchIvySettingsFile: No such settings file {0} exists Please verify that your Ivy settings file is specified properly and exists in the workspace..
_IvyModuleSetBuild_NoSuchIvyXmlFile(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.NoSuchIvyXmlFile: No such file {0} Perhaps you need to specify the correct ivy.xml file path in the project configuration?.
_IvyModuleSetBuild_NoSuchPropertyFile(Object) - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyModuleSetBuild.NoSuchPropertyFile: No such property file {0} exists Please verify that your Ivy settings property files are specified properly and exist in the workspace..
_IvyProbeAction_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.ivy.Messages
Key IvyProbeAction.DisplayName: Monitor Ivy Process.
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