Package io.jenkins.plugins.harbor.client.models
package io.jenkins.plugins.harbor.client.models
ClassDescriptionAccessory Independent, but linked to an existing subject artifact, which enabling the extensibility of an OCI artifactAdditionLink is a link via that the addition can be fetchedArtifactCVSS holds the score and attack vector for the vulnerability based on the CVSS3 and CVSS2 standardsLabel holds information used for a labelNativeReportSummary is the default supported scan report summary model.Scanner represents metadata of a Scanner Adapter which allow Harbor to lookup a scanner capable of scanning a given Artifact stored in its registry and making sure that it can interpret a returned result.Tag is the overall view of tagVulnerabilityItem represents one found vulnerabilityVulnerabilityItemList the list can skip the VulnerabilityItem exists in the list when addingVulnerabilitySummary contains the total number of the found vulnerabilities number and numbers of each severity level.