Class |
Description |
ConflictException |
This exception is used to wrap and propagate 409 (Conflict) HTTP exceptions up the stack.
Executor |
Interface for a class that executes requests on behalf of a Json API client.
Executor.Default |
A default, failure-tolerant implementation of the Executor class.
ExecutorException |
This base exception class is used to wrap and propagate HTTP exceptions for specific status codes
up the stack.
ForbiddenException |
This exception is used to wrap and propagate 403 (Forbidden) HTTP exceptions up the stack.
GoogleOAuth2Credentials |
Google-specific username / access token combination.
GoogleOAuth2ScopeRequirement |
Used to type filter Google-specific OAuth2ScopeRequirement s.
GoogleOAuth2ScopeSpecification |
A Google-specific implementation of the OAuth2ScopeSpecification that limits its
application to Google-specific OAuth2ScopeRequirement
GoogleOAuth2ScopeSpecification.DescriptorImpl |
Denoted this class is a DomainSpecification plugin, in particular for OAuth2ScopeSpecification
GoogleRobotCredentials |
The base implementation of service account (aka robot) credentials using OAuth2.
GoogleRobotCredentials.AbstractGoogleRobotCredentialsDescriptor |
The descriptor for Google robot account credential extensions
GoogleRobotCredentials.CredentialsListBoxModel |
A trivial tuple for wrapping the list box of matched credentials with the requirements that
were used to filter them.
GoogleRobotCredentialsModule |
GoogleRobotMetadataCredentials |
An implementation of GoogleRobotCredentials that produces OAuth2 access tokens using the
metadata service attached to Google Compute instances.
GoogleRobotMetadataCredentials.Descriptor |
Descriptor for our unlimited service account extension.
GoogleRobotMetadataCredentialsModule |
GoogleRobotNameProvider |
Retrieve a user-friendly name to be used when listing the credential for use by plugins.
GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials |
A set of Google service account credentials for a cloud project to use for authenticating against
Google service APIs.
GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials.AccountIdNotSetException |
Exception that gets thrown if AccountId is not set.
GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials.Descriptor |
Descriptor for our unlimited service account extension.
GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials.InvalidSecretsFileException |
GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials.KeyTypeNotSetException |
Exception that gets thrown if ServiceAccountConfig is not set.
GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials.MissingSecretsFileException |
GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials.PrivateKeyNotSetException |
Exception that gets thrown if PrivateKey is not set.
GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials.SecretsFileNotFoundException |
JsonKey |
JsonServiceAccountConfig |
Provides authentication mechanism for a service account by setting a JSON private key file.
JsonServiceAccountConfig.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor for JSON service account authentication.
KeyUtils |
LegacyJsonKey |
Deprecated. |
LegacyJsonKey.Details |
Container for our new field, modeled after: GoogleClientSecrets.Details
MaxRetryExceededException |
This exception is used to signify that the maximum number of retries has been exceeded, that we
shouldn't make further attempt.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
MetadataReader |
This helper utility is used for reading values out of a Google Compute Engine instance's attached
metadata service.
MetadataReader.Default |
A simple default implementation that reads metadata via http requests.
MockExecutor |
This is an implementation of Executor that can be injected to inject a set of canned
responses to requests including:
A pre-determined object
Throwing an IOException or ExecutorException
Passing through a part of the request as the response
NameValuePair<N,V> |
A name-value pair helper class.
NotFoundException |
This exception is used to wrap and propagate 404 (Not Found) HTTP exceptions up the stack.
P12ServiceAccountConfig |
Provides authentication mechanism for a service account by setting a service account email
address and P12 private key file.
P12ServiceAccountConfig.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor for P12 service account authentication.
RequestCallable<T> |
Resolve |
Container class for static methods that resolve form entries with typical form data, for use in
Jenkins doCheckFoo methods.
ServiceAccountConfig |
general abstraction for providing google service account authentication mechanism.
ServiceAccountConfig.Descriptor |
abstract descriptor for service account authentication