All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for SCMHeadEvent from Gitea.
Base class for SCMHeadEvent from Gitea.
A Discovery trait for Gitea that will discover branches on the repository.
Trusts branches from the origin repository.
Out descriptor.
Our descriptor.
Filter that excludes branches that are also filed as a pull request.
Filter that excludes branches that are not also filed as a pull request.
Filter that excludes branches that are not also filed as a pull request or the main branch.
Our SCMHead for Gitea branches.
Our SCMRevision for BranchSCMHead.
The SPI implementation of GiteaConnectionFactory.
A Selection trait that will restrict the discovery of repositories that have been archived.
Exclude archived repositories filter
A Discovery trait for Gitea that will discover pull requests from forks of the repository.
Our descriptor.
An SCMHeadAuthority that trusts contributors to the repository.
Our descriptor.
An SCMHeadAuthority that trusts everyone.
Our descriptor.
An SCMHeadAuthority that trusts nothing.
Our descriptor.
Entry point to the Gitea client API for opening a GiteaConnection.
Represents an annotated tag.
Base class for client authentication information.
Represents anonymous authentication to the Gitea API.
Represents token based authentication to the Gitea API.
Converts PersonalAccessToken to GiteaAuthToken authentication.
Represents username/password authentication to the Gitea API
Converts UsernamePasswordCredentials to GiteaAuthUser authentication.
Metadata for the avatar of a Gitea Organization / user / repository.
Represents a Gitea Branch.
A GitRepositoryBrowser for Gitea.
Our descriptor.
Represents a commit.
Represents an individual commit detail.
A Commit hash with Url.
Represents the status of a commit.
Represents a commit status.
The Gitea Client connection, use Gitea to open a connection.
The SPI for instantiating GiteaConnection implementations from Gitea.
A SCMHeadEvent for a GiteaCreateEvent.
Our handler.
A SCMHeadEvent for a GiteaDeleteEvent.
Our handler.
Generic Gitea event.
Gitea event types.
A Gitea web hook for notification of events.
The type of GiteaHook.
A richer IOException that reflects the status code of a response.
Link to Gitea
Notification of commit status information to Gitea.
Sends notifications to Bitbucket on Run completed.
Listener to catch jobs being added to the build queue.
Base class for all types in the Gitea object model.
A Gitea organization.
Owner of a repository.
The GiteaHook event payload.
A SCMHeadEvent for a GiteaPullRequestEvent.
Our handler.
Gitea GiteaEventType.PUSH event.
A SCMHeadEvent for a GiteaPushEvent.
Our handler.
A SCMHeadEvent for a GiteaPushEvent.
Our handler.
Builds a GitSCM for GiteaSCMSource.
Represents a Gitea Server instance.
Our descriptor.
Represents the global configuration of Gitea servers.
Represents a Gitea Tag.
GiteaWebhookHandler<E extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMEvent<P>,P extends GiteaEvent>
use MergeWithGitSCMExtension
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
A Discovery trait for Gitea that will discover pull requests originating from a branch in the repository itself.
A SCMHeadAuthority that trusts origin pull requests
Our descriptor.
A Gitea personal access token.
Default implementation of PersonalAccessToken for use by Jenkins CredentialsProvider instances that store Secret locally.
Our descriptor.
Category for SCMHead instances that implement ReleaseSCMHead.
A Discovery trait for Gitea that will discover tags on the repository.
Our descriptor.
Trusts tags from the origin repository.
Out descriptor.
Our SCMHead for Gitea tags.
Our SCMRevision for BranchSCMHead.
Enumeration of the different webhook registration modes.
A SCMSourceTrait for GiteaSCMSource that overrides the GiteaServers settings for webhook registration.
Our constructor.