Class Change

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Change extends Object implements Serializable
A change made on specific lines within a specific file.

The interval of lines which contains the change is defined by a starting and an ending point (1-based line counter). Also, the affected lines of the file before the change has been inserted are specified by a starting and an ending point, as already described, in order to be able to determine removed lines for example.

Florian Orendi
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • Change Link icon

      public Change(ChangeEditType changeEditType, int changedFromLine, int changedToLine, int fromLine, int toLine)
      Constructor for an instance which wraps a specific change within a file.
      changeEditType - The type of the change
      changedFromLine - The starting line of the lines which are affected by the change
      changedToLine - The ending line of the lines which are affected by the change
      fromLine - The starting line of the inserted change
      toLine - The ending line of the inserted change
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getEditType Link icon

      public ChangeEditType getEditType()
    • getChangedFromLine Link icon

      public int getChangedFromLine()
    • getChangedToLine Link icon

      public int getChangedToLine()
    • getFromLine Link icon

      public int getFromLine()
    • getToLine Link icon

      public int getToLine()
    • equals Link icon

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode Link icon

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object