Class BindParser


public class BindParser extends Object
Parser for bind mount definitions. A bind mount is expressed as a Bind that represents a host path being bind mounted as a Volume in a Docker container. The Bind can be in read only or read write AccessMode.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • BindParser Link icon

      public BindParser()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • parse Link icon

      public static com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Bind[] parse(String definition) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Parses a textual bind mount definition to an array of Binds. The input may describe multiple bind mounts, each on a line of its own. The syntax for a bind mount definition is hostPath:containerPath[:rw|ro]. The elements may alternatively be delimited by a blank character.
      definition - the bind mount definition
      an array containing the parsing results. Empty if the definition was an empty string or null
      IllegalArgumentException - if any error occurs during parsing