All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AbstractActivity Abstract class for BUILD activity persistent data.AbstractActivityDescriptor Abstract class for BUILD activity reporters descriptors.AbstractActivityReporter<T extends AbstractActivity> Abstract class for BUILD activity reporters.ActivityCategory List of all BUILD activities.ActivityScore List of all Scores used to measure achievement of a build activity.ApplicationBuildStatus A persistent record of the progress of build activities for a software release.ApplicationBuildStatus.DescriptorImpl ArtifactReleaseActivity A persistent record of a ARTIFACT_RELEASE activity.ArtifactReleaseActivityReporter Build step of a project used to record an ARTIFACT_RELEASE activity.ArtifactReleaseActivityReporter.DescriptorImpl BuildActivity A persistent record of a BUILD activity.BuildActivityReporter Build step of a project used to record a BUILD activity.BuildActivityReporter.DescriptorImpl BuildApi The API controller for all operations about BUILD featuresBuildDashboard Type of view displaying information on the progress of the various versions of the software developed.BuildDashboard.DescriptorImpl DependenciesAnalysisActivity A persistent record of a DEPENDENCIES_ANALYSIS activity.DependencyUpgrade A record for a dependency to upgradeDependencyVulnerability A record for a dependency with known vulnerabilitiesDeploymentOperation A persisted record of a DEPLOYMENT operation performed on a run environment.DeploymentOperation.DescriptorImpl DeploymentOperationReporter Build step of a project used to record the execution of a DEPLOYMENT operation.DeploymentOperationReporter.DescriptorImpl GenericActivityHandler<T extends AbstractActivity> Provide a standard interface to all Activity handlers functions.GenericRunModel Provide a standard interface to all persistent objects which are associated with a run.JenkinsUtils Utility class to read data from Jenkins.JMeterPerformanceTestActivityReporter Build step of a project used to record a PERFORMANCE_TEST activity.JMeterPerformanceTestActivityReporter.DescriptorImpl MavenDependenciesAnalysisActivityReporter Build step of a project used to record a DEPENDENCIES_ANALYSIS activity.MavenDependenciesAnalysisActivityReporter.DescriptorImpl Messages Generated localization support class.MiscUtils Utility class with miscellaneous functionsMonitoringPeriodicWork Scheduled task that performs the monitoring of application services.MonitoringStatus List of possible states for monitored services.PerformanceTestActivity A persistent record of a PERFORMANCE_TEST activity.PerformanceTestActivityReporter Build step of a project used to record a PERFORMANCE_TEST activity.PerformanceTestActivityReporter.DescriptorImpl PerformanceTestResult PluginManagementLink Plugin settings screen, used to define the list of application services.QualityAuditActivity A persistent record of a QUALITY_AUDIT activity.QualityAuditActivityReporter Build step of a project used to record a QUALITY_AUDIT activity.QualityAuditActivityReporter.DescriptorImpl QualityIssue Model for an issue in a quality audit activityRemoteFileDependencyAnalysisParser Let parse dependency analysis report on remote workspace.RemoteFileJMeterParser Let parse result of a JMeter run from a remote file.RemoteFileSizeGetter Let compute the length of a remote file.RemoteFileSurefireParser Let parse test results of remote files.RunApi The API controller for all operations about RUN featuresRunDashboard Type of view displaying information on application deployments and the status of monitored services.RunDashboard.DescriptorImpl SecurityHotspot Model for a security hotspot in a quality audit activityServiceConfiguration A persistent record of an Application Environment.ServiceConfiguration.DescriptorImpl ServiceMonitoring A persistent record of the availability state of an application service.ServiceMonitoring.DescriptorImpl SonarApiClient Utility class to fetch data from Sonar Qube using REST API.SonarQualityAuditActivityReporter Build step of a project used to record a QUALITY_AUDIT activity.SonarQualityAuditActivityReporter.DescriptorImpl SonarQubeCheckPeriodicWork Scheduled task that monitor a SonarQube server.SonarQubeCheckRunListener Listener on run completion, not used, actually.SSLUtils Utility class for HTTPS certificatesSummaryTitle SurefireUnitTestActivityReporter Build step of a project used to record a UNIT_TEST activity.SurefireUnitTestActivityReporter.DescriptorImpl TestSuiteResult ThrowingSupplier<T,E extends Exception> Functional interface for Suppliers throwing exceptionsTimeAgoUtils Utility class for date & time manipulationUnitTestActivity A persistent record of a UNIT_TEST activity.UnitTestActivityReporter Build step of a project used to record a UNIT_TEST activity.UnitTestActivityReporter.DescriptorImpl VulnerabilityAnalysisResult A record for a set of dependencies with known vulnerabilities