All Classes
All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AssignToNode Helper class that is assigning builds to nodesAssignToNode.AssignAnyNode BuildAddedCause Custom cause that is used in order to get the build callback just before the project/job is added into the queue (at least I think this is the order of actions based on the debug logs).BuildAgent BuildAgentType BuildCycleException BuildFuture Simple DTO that contains the data about the job that was scheduled to JenkinsBuildJob BuildLayers BuildSettings Build settings of one build node in the graph of build nodes.BuildSettings.ParentFailureMode BuildSettings.UnknownSetting BuildStatus ConfigGraphNode Helper class used for serializing build jobs in order to display them on the graph in the Jenkins UI job configuration page.DslBuild DslLexer DslLexer.Tokenizer DslParser DslProject This class creates a custom project in the jenkins new project viewDslProject.DescriptorImpl This class is used to describe the plugin (name, description)DslProject.ScriptInputType Determines the type of user input for the DepBuilder pipelineFinishedBuildJob DTO for transfering build related data to frontendJenkinsUtil JobBuildStatus DTO for holding a job build information for one build of the DslBuildParsedBuild DTO for holding parsed build dataParsedBuildJob DTO for build node parsed dataParseException PartialBuildAction Action used for starting partial pipeline builds (only a small part of the entire pipeline will be built.PersistBuildInfoAction Action that is used for persisting build information: exact pipeline string that was used and build info about the projects that this plugin has triggered.PluginVersion Determines which version of the plugin the user is using.ProjectBuildStatus ProjectGraph ScheduledNode ScheduledNode.ScheduledNodeStatus Scheduler Scheduler.AbortReason SchedulerSettings Settings container used for managing plugin build schedulerSchedulerSettings.Throttle SettingsVerifier DTO for performing validity checks of user set build nodesTimeUtils Token TokenType