Class |
Description |
AbstractDatadogBuildEvent |
AbstractDatadogEvent |
AbstractDatadogSimpleEvent |
AsyncWriter<T> |
BatchSender<T> |
BuildAbortedEventImpl |
BuildConfigurationParser |
BuildData |
BuildFinishedEventImpl |
BuildSpanAction |
Keeps build span propagation
BuildSpanAction.ConverterImpl |
BuildSpanAction.ConverterV1 |
BuildSpanAction.ConverterV2 |
BuildSpanManager |
Used to store trace data after the build has finished.
BuildStartedEventImpl |
This event should contain all the data to construct a build started event.
CircuitBreaker<T> |
CITags |
CITags.Values |
ClientHolder |
ComputerLaunchFailedEventImpl |
ComputerOfflineEventImpl |
ComputerOnlineEventImpl |
ConnectivityChecksFlare |
DatadogAgentClient |
This class is used to collect all methods that has to do with transmitting
data to Datadog.
DatadogAgentClient.ConnectivityResult |
DatadogAgentConfiguration |
DatadogAgentConfiguration.DatadogAgentConfigurationDescriptor |
DatadogApiClient |
This class is used to collect all methods that has to do with transmitting
data to Datadog.
DatadogApiConfiguration |
DatadogApiConfiguration.DatadogApiConfigurationDescriptor |
DatadogApiKey |
DatadogApiKey.DatadogApiKeyDescriptor |
DatadogAudit |
Class used to centralize some util methods to show telemetry metrics via Jenkins logs.
DatadogBaseBuildLogic |
Base class for DatadogTraceBuildLogic and DatadogPipelineBuildLogic
DatadogBasePipelineLogic |
Base class with shared code for DatadogTracePipelineLogic and DatadogWebhookPipelineLogic
DatadogBuildListener |
DatadogClient |
DatadogClient.Status |
DatadogClientConfiguration |
DatadogClientConfiguration.DatadogClientConfigurationDescriptor |
DatadogComputerListener |
DatadogComputerPublisher |
This class registers a PeriodicWork with Jenkins to run periodically in order to enable
us to compute metrics related to nodes and executors.
DatadogConfigFlare |
DatadogConsoleLogFilter |
DatadogConverter<T> |
Converter that supports data versioning.
DatadogCountersPublisher |
DatadogCredentialsApiKey |
DatadogCredentialsApiKey.DatadogCredentialsApiKeyDescriptor |
DatadogEnvVarsFlare |
DatadogEvent |
Interface for Datadog events.
DatadogEvent.AlertType |
DatadogEvent.Priority |
DatadogGlobalConfiguration |
DatadogGraphListener |
A GraphListener implementation which computes timing information
for the various stages in a pipeline.
DatadogIntake |
DatadogIntake.DatadogIntakeDescriptor |
DatadogIntakeSite |
DatadogIntakeSite.DatadogIntakeSiteDescriptor |
DatadogIntakeUrls |
DatadogIntakeUrls.DatadogIntakeUrlsDescriptor |
DatadogItemListener |
DatadogJenkinsPublisher |
This class registers a PeriodicWork with Jenkins to run periodically in order to enable
us to compute metrics related to Jenkins level metrics.
DatadogJobProperty<T extends Job<?,?>> |
Create a job property for use with Datadog plugin.
DatadogJobProperty.DatadogJobPropertyDescriptor |
DatadogLinkAction |
DatadogLinkAction.ConverterImpl |
DatadogLinkAction.ConverterV1 |
DatadogOptions |
Pipeline plug-in step for configuring Datadog monitoring options.
DatadogOptions.DescriptorImpl |
DatadogOutputStream |
DatadogPipelineAction |
DatadogPluginAction |
Marker interface for all actions that are added by the plugin
DatadogPluginManagement |
DatadogQueueListener |
DatadogQueuePublisher |
This class registers a PeriodicWork with Jenkins to run periodically in order to enable
us to compute metrics related to the Jenkins queue.
DatadogSaveableListener |
DatadogSCMListener |
This class registers an SCMListener with Jenkins which allows us to create
the "Checkout successful" event.
DatadogSecurityListener |
DatadogSite |
DatadogStepListener |
DatadogTaskListenerDecorator |
DatadogTaskListenerDecorator.Factory |
DatadogTextApiKey |
DatadogTextApiKey.DatadogTextApiKeyDescriptor |
DatadogTraceBuildLogic |
Keeps the logic to create traces related to Jenkins Build.
DatadogTracePipelineLogic |
Keeps the logic to send traces related to inner jobs of Jenkins Pipelines (datadog levels: stage and job).
DatadogTracerConfigurator |
DatadogTracerEnvironmentContributor |
DatadogTracerJobProperty<T extends Job<?,?>> |
DatadogTracerJobProperty.DatadogTracerEnvironmentProperty |
DatadogTracerJobProperty.DatadogTracerJobPropertyDescriptor |
DatadogTracerStepEnvironmentContributor |
DatadogUtilities |
DatadogWebhookBuildLogic |
Keeps the logic to send webhooks related to Jenkins Build.
DatadogWebhookPipelineLogic |
Keeps the logic to send webhooks related to inner jobs of Jenkins Pipelines (datadog levels: stage and job).
DatadogWriter |
DequeueAction |
DequeueAction.ConverterImpl |
DequeueAction.ConverterV1 |
DequeueAction.ConverterV2 |
DotnetConfigurator |
EnqueueAction |
EnqueueAction.ConverterImpl |
EnqueueAction.ConverterV1 |
EnqueueAction.ConverterV2 |
ExceptionsFlare |
FlareContributor |
FlareContributor.ORDER |
GitCommitAction |
GitCommitAction.ConverterImpl |
GitCommitAction.ConverterV1 |
GitCommitMetadata |
GitCommitMetadata.Builder |
GitCommitMetadata.ConverterImpl |
GitCommitMetadata.ConverterV1 |
GitMetadata |
GitMetadata.Builder |
GitMetadata.ConverterImpl |
GitMetadata.ConverterV1 |
GitMetadataAction |
GitMetadataAction.ConverterImpl |
GitMetadataAction.ConverterV1 |
GitMetadataBuilderCallback |
Populates GitMetadata.Builder instance for a certain repository
using the JGit.
GitMetadataBuilderCallback.Result |
GitRepositoryAction |
GitRepositoryAction.ConverterImpl |
GitRepositoryAction.ConverterV1 |
GitUtils |
HttpClient |
HttpRetryPolicy |
A policy which encapsulates retry rules for HTTP calls.
HttpRetryPolicy.Factory |
IdGenerator |
Keeps the ID generation logic for the TraceSpan
ItemCopiedEventImpl |
ItemCRUDEventImpl |
ItemLocationChangedEventImpl |
JenkinsLogsFlare |
This flare writes only the last small part of the Jenkins controller logs
that is still available in the in-memory ring-buffer.
JfrFlare |
JsonPayloadSender<T> |
JsonTraceSpanMapper |
PayloadMapper to transform TraceSpan into JSON object
following the spec:
JsonUtils |
LogWriterFactory |
LogWriteStrategy |
MetricKey |
Metrics |
MetricsClient |
NodeInfoAction |
NodeInfoAction.ConverterImpl |
NodeInfoAction.ConverterV1 |
NodeInfoAction.ConverterV2 |
PatternListConverter |
Payload |
PipelineNodeInfoAction |
PipelineNodeInfoAction.ConverterImpl |
PipelineNodeInfoAction.ConverterV1 |
PipelineNodeInfoAction.ConverterV2 |
PipelineQueueInfoAction |
PipelineQueueInfoAction.ConverterImpl |
PipelineQueueInfoAction.ConverterV1 |
PipelineStepData |
Represents a step in a Jenkins Pipeline.
PipelineStepData.StepType |
PluginData |
PluginData.Builder |
PluginLogsFlare |
PolymorphicReflectionConverter |
A subtype of reflection converter that is capable of handling polymorphic fields
(when the declared field type is an interface or a parent class and its value is an instance of an implementation or a child class).
PropertyUtils |
QueueInfoAction |
A marker interface for enqueue and dequeue actions.
RevCommitRepositoryCallback |
Returns the RevCommit instance for a certain commit
using the JGit.
RubyConfigurator |
RuntimeInfoFlare |
SCMCheckoutCompletedEventImpl |
Semver |
ShellCommandCallable |
ShellCommandExecutor |
ShellCommandExecutor.OutputParser<T> |
ShellCommandExecutor.ToStringOutputParser |
SignatureVerifier |
SimpleSender<T> |
Source |
StageData |
Keeps the information of a Stage to calculate the Stage breakdown.
StageData.Builder |
Status |
StatusAction |
StatusAction.ConverterImpl |
StatusAction.ConverterV1 |
SuppressFBWarnings |
Inspired from
TagsUtil |
TestOptimization |
ThreadDumpFlare |
ThrowingConsumer<T> |
ToJson |
TraceInfoAction |
This action stores mapping between IDs of FlowNode
that are generated by Jenkins, and span IDs that are generated by the plugin.
TraceInfoAction.ConverterImpl |
TraceInfoAction.ConverterV1 |
TracerConstants |
TracerLanguage |
TraceSpan |
TraceSpan.TraceSpanContext |
TraceSpan.TraceSpanContext.ConverterImpl |
TraceSpan.TraceSpanContext.ConverterV1 |
TraceStepEnvironmentContributor |
TraceWriter |
TraceWriterFactory |
TraceWriteStrategy |
TraceWriteStrategyImpl |
Track |
UserAuthenticationEventImpl |
VersionedConverter<T> |
WritersHealthFlare |