All Classes and Interfaces
CAS 1.0 protocol support.
Implementation of a Ticket Validator that can validate tickets conforming to the CAS 1.0 specification.
CAS 2.0 protocol support.
CAS 3.0 protocol support.
Spring configuration class for the CAS ApplicationContext.
Listener for successful CAS authentication events, that syncs attributes
with the corresponding Jenkins User.
CAS protocol extension point.
Authenticator to handle the CAS REST protocol.
CAS Single Sign-On security realm.
Session fixation protection strategy that invalidates the existing session
and integrates with the Single Sign-Out session mapping storage.
CAS Single Sign-Out filter with support for a URL path matching.
Populates the
s for a user by reading a list of attributes that were returned as
part of the CAS response.ServiceAuthenticationDetails
implementation that will convert a relative
service URL to an absolute one by adding the Jenkins root URL if necessary.AuthenticationDetailsSource
implementation returning a
supporting relative service URLs.Generated localization support class.
SAML 1.1 protocol support.
AuthenticationSuccessHandler that behaves like SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler,
but also looks for a configurable session attribute holding the target URL to redirect to.
CAS authentication entry point that will save a target URL request parameter
into a session attribute before redirecting.