AnnotationHelper |
Helper for annotating the lines, creates the strings to annotate with.
BuildFailureScanner |
Looks for Indications, trying to find the Cause of a problem.
CauseManagement |
Page for managing the failure causes.
FailureCauseMatrixAggregator |
Aggregates the failure causes from downstream builds to the parent build.
GerritMessageProviderExtension |
ExtensionPoint that allows BFA to send the failure cause description
directly to Gerrit.
IndicationAnnotator |
Annotates the build log so that we can create links to it and mark found indications.
IndicationAnnotatorFactory |
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
MetricsManager |
PluginImpl |
The main thing.
ScanLogAction |
The Action for adding a link to the analysis for each run.
SlackMessageProvider |
Class that allows BFA to send failure cause messages for each build to Slack.
TransientActionProvider |
TransientCauseManagement |