Class FoundIndication

  • @ExportedBean
    public class FoundIndication
    extends Object
    Found Indication of an unsuccessful build.
    Tomas Westling <>
    • Field Detail


        protected static final String FILE_ENCODING
        The platform file encoding. We assume that Jenkins uses it when writing the logs.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FoundIndication

        public FoundIndication​(Run build,
                               String originalPattern,
                               String matchingFile,
                               String matchingString)
        Standard constructor.
        build - the build of this indication.
        originalPattern - the original pattern we used to match.
        matchingFile - the path to the file in which we found the match.
        matchingString - the String that makes up the match.
      • FoundIndication

        public FoundIndication​(Run build,
                               String originalPattern,
                               String matchingFile,
                               String matchingString,
                               Integer matchingLine)
        Standard constructor.
        build - the build of this indication.
        originalPattern - the original pattern we used to match.
        matchingFile - the path to the file in which we found the match.
        matchingString - the String that makes up the match.
        matchingLine - the line number of the found indication
      • FoundIndication

        public FoundIndication​(String pattern,
                               String matchingFile,
                               String matchingString,
                               Integer matchingLine)
        JSON Constructor.
        pattern - the pattern we used to match.
        matchingFile - the path to the file in which we found the match.
        matchingString - the String that makes up the match.
        matchingLine - the line number of the found indication
    • Method Detail

      • getMatchingFile

        public String getMatchingFile()
        Getter for the matching file.
        the file in which we found the match.
      • getPattern

        public String getPattern()
        Getter for the pattern.
        the pattern.
      • getBuild

        public Run getBuild()
        Getter for the build.
        the build.
      • getMatchingString

        public String getMatchingString()
        Getter for the matching String.
        the matching String.
      • getFirstMatchingLine

        public String getFirstMatchingLine()
        Getter for the first matching line (useful with multi-line build log indications.
        the first line from getMatchingString().
      • convertFromLineNumber

        public void convertFromLineNumber​(List<String> log)
        Replaces matchingLine with matchingString from the text in the list at matchingLines position. But only if matchingLine is non null.
        log - the build-log.
      • readResolve

        public Object readResolve()
        Called after deserialization. Will schedule this indication for conversion via OldDataConverter from matchingLine to matchingString if matchingLine is non null.
      • getMatchingLine

        public int getMatchingLine()
        The matching line number.
        the matching line number.
      • getMatchingHash

        public int getMatchingHash()
        The hash-code of the matchingString. Convenience method mostly for jelly.
        the hash of the line of text.