Package com.bmc.ims

Class JCLService

    • Constructor Detail

      • JCLService

        public JCLService​(boolean debug)
    • Method Detail

      • login

        public void login​(String host,
                          String port,
                          String user,
                          String pw,
                          TaskListener listener)
                   throws AbortException
        Call a random z/OSMF REST API that requires credentials (in this case - z/OSMF information retrieval service) for validating the connection, and obtaining authentication token on user login. The user can then include a token in the header on subsequent requests to the z/OSMF REST services API.
        host - z/OS host name
        port - port number
        user - user name
        pw - user password
        listener - task listener that receives potentialy failure events
        AbortException - abort exception
      • doRequest

        public ResponseObject doRequest​(String url,
                                        String method,
                                        String requestBody,
                                        Properties headers,
                                        TaskListener listener)
        Setup the secure connection and do the request.
        url - z/OS url
        method - PUT/GET
        requestBody - http request's body
        headers - http request'd header