Interface LocationAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
BreakException, JellyException, JellyTagException, MissingAttributeException

public interface LocationAware

LocationAware represents a Tag or Exception which is location aware. That is to say it is capable of recording where in a Jelly script a tag or exception is used which can aid debugging and tracing.

$Revision: 155420 $
James Strachan
  • Method Details

    • getLineNumber

      int getLineNumber()
      the line number of the tag
    • setLineNumber

      void setLineNumber(int lineNumber)
      Sets the line number of the tag
    • getColumnNumber

      int getColumnNumber()
      the column number of the tag
    • setColumnNumber

      void setColumnNumber(int columnNumber)
      Sets the column number of the tag
    • getFileName

      String getFileName()
      the Jelly file which caused the problem
    • setFileName

      void setFileName(String fileName)
      Sets the Jelly file which caused the problem
    • getElementName

      String getElementName()
      the element name which caused the problem
    • setElementName

      void setElementName(String elementName)
      Sets the element name which caused the problem