Interface DynaTag

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DynaBeanTagSupport, DynamicBeanTag, DynamicDynaBeanTag, DynamicTag, DynaTagSupport, MapTagSupport, SetPropertiesTag, StaticTag, UseBeanTag, UseListTag

    public interface DynaTag
    extends Tag

    DynaTag represents a Jelly custom tag which can take its attributes dynamically and store them in some data structure. Typically a DynaTag may use either a Map or a DynaBean to implement itself which avoids writing explicit getter and setter methods for each possible attribute.

    This kind of tag can be extremely useful when making HTML-like tags which generally output all the attributes which are used in the markup, except one or two special attributes are used, all others pass through.

    $Revision: 155420 $
    James Strachan
    • Method Detail

      • getAttributeType

        Class getAttributeType​(String name)
                        throws JellyTagException
        the type of the given attribute. By default just return Object.class if this is not known. If this method returns Expression.class then the expression will not be evaluated and just passed in as the attribute value.