Class LogParserPublisher

    • Constructor Detail

      • LogParserPublisher

        public LogParserPublisher​(Job parent,
                                  String path)
        Constructor. Should only be instantiated by addPublisher(...) of a job
    • Method Detail

      • setMarkOnUnstableWarning

        public void setMarkOnUnstableWarning​(boolean state)
        Sets the value of the checkbox for "mark on unstable warning".
        state - The boolean state of the checkbox
      • setMarkOnBuildFail

        public void setMarkOnBuildFail​(boolean state)
        Sets the value of the checkbox for "mark on build failed".
        state - The boolean state of the checkbox
      • setShowGraphs

        public void setShowGraphs​(boolean state)
        Sets the value of the checkbox for "show graph".
        state - The boolean state of the checkbox