Package hudson.init

Annotation Type Terminator

@Indexed @Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface Terminator
Like Initializer but used during the shut down.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Indicates that the specified milestone is necessary before executing this terminator.
    Indicates the milestones that this terminator contributes to.
    Indicates that this terminator is a necessary step before achieving the specified milestone.
    Key in that represents what this task is about.
    Indicates the milestones necessary before executing this terminator.
  • Element Details

    • after

      Indicates that the specified milestone is necessary before executing this terminator.

      This has the identical purpose as requires(), but it's separated to allow better type-safety when using TermMilestone as a requirement (since enum member definitions need to be constant.)

    • before

      Indicates that this terminator is a necessary step before achieving the specified milestone.

      This has the identical purpose as attains(). See after() for why there are two things to achieve the same goal.

    • requires

      String[] requires
      Indicates the milestones necessary before executing this terminator.
    • attains

      String[] attains
      Indicates the milestones that this terminator contributes to. A milestone is considered attained if all the terminators that attains the given milestone completes. So it works as a kind of join.
    • displayName

      String displayName
      Key in that represents what this task is about. Used for rendering the progress. Defaults to "${short class name}.${method Name}".