Package hudson.slaves

Class JNLPLauncher.DescriptorImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • DescriptorImpl

        public DescriptorImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getDisplayName

        public String getDisplayName()
        Description copied from class: Descriptor
        Human readable name of this kind of configurable object. Should be overridden for most descriptors, if the display name is visible somehow. As a fallback it uses Class.getSimpleName() on Descriptor.clazz, so for example MyThing from some.pkg.MyThing.DescriptorImpl. Historically some implementations returned null as a way of hiding the descriptor from the UI, but this is generally managed by an explicit method such as isEnabled or isApplicable.
        getDisplayName in class Descriptor<ComputerLauncher>
      • isWorkDirSupported

        public boolean isWorkDirSupported()
        Checks if Work Dir settings should be displayed. This flag is checked in config.jelly before displaying the JNLPLauncher.workDirSettings property. By default the configuration is displayed only for JNLPLauncher, but the implementation can be overridden.
        true if work directories are supported by the launcher type.
      • doCheckWebSocket

        public FormValidation doCheckWebSocket​(@QueryParameter
                                               boolean webSocket,
                                               String tunnel)