Class NodeMonitorUpdater

    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeMonitorUpdater

        public NodeMonitorUpdater()
    • Method Detail

      • onOnline

        public void onOnline​(Computer c,
                             TaskListener listener)
                      throws IOException,
        Triggers the update with 5 seconds quiet period, to avoid triggering data check too often when multiple agents become online at about the same time.
        onOnline in class ComputerListener
        listener - This is connected to the launch log of the computer or Jenkins master. Since this method is called synchronously from the thread that launches a computer, if this method performs a time-consuming operation, this listener should be notified of the progress. This is also a good listener for reporting problems.
        IOException - Exceptions will be recorded to the listener. Note that throwing an exception doesn't put the computer offline.
        InterruptedException - Exceptions will be recorded to the listener. Note that throwing an exception doesn't put the computer offline.
        See Also:
        ComputerListener.preOnline(Computer, Channel, FilePath, TaskListener)