Class PrimaryInstanceMetadataAction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Action, ModelObject, Serializable

    public class PrimaryInstanceMetadataAction
    extends InvisibleAction
    implements Serializable
    Identifies a SCMHead / SCMSource as being a primary instance. Some examples of how this metadata is intended to be used:
    • The Git source control system allows optionally identifying a specific branch as being the default branch. A Git branch source could therefore return an instance of this action for the corresponding SCMHead from SCMSource.fetchActions(SCMHead, SCMHeadEvent, TaskListener) to indicate that it is the "primary" head.
    • The GitHub repository hosting service has the concepts of fork repositories associated with a primary repository. One option is that a GitHub SCMNavigator could use this action to differentiate forks from their primary whereby SCMSource.fetchActions(SCMSourceEvent, TaskListener) would return an instance of this action to identify the primary source. An alternative option is that a GitHub specific SCMSource could use SCMCategory to differentiate the SCMHead instances that originate from a fork and use SCMSource.fetchActions(SCMHead, SCMHeadEvent, TaskListener) to mark the primary branches from each "source".
    • Other SCM systems may have the concept of multiple primary heads. For example it may be possible to identify heads as being a primary for the 1.x, 2.x, and 3.x release lines. *
    Consumers of the SCM API should assume that:
    • there can be zero, one or many SCMHead instances with this metadata
    • there can be zero, one or many SCMSource instances with this metadata
    • within any SCMCategory there can be zero, one or many SCMHead/SCMSource instances with this metadata
    • the information conveyed by this metadata may or may not be orthogonal to the SCMCategory. Categories convey pseudo-type information from the source / navigator. The categorizations that a source / navigator chooses to implement may be such that they are orthogonal to primary instance or they may be complementary with primary instance. The decision as to which of these is appropriate for a specific SCM system is out of scope for the SCM API.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • PrimaryInstanceMetadataAction

        public PrimaryInstanceMetadataAction()