Class BitbucketServerEndpoint

    • Constructor Detail

      • BitbucketServerEndpoint

        public BitbucketServerEndpoint​(@CheckForNull
                                       String displayName,
                                       String serverUrl,
                                       boolean manageHooks,
                                       String credentialsId)
        displayName - Optional name to use to describe the end-point.
        serverUrl - The URL of this Bitbucket Server
        manageHooks - true if and only if Jenkins is supposed to auto-manage hooks for this end-point.
        credentialsId - The IdCredentials.getId() of the credentials to use for auto-management of hooks.
      • BitbucketServerEndpoint

        public BitbucketServerEndpoint​(@CheckForNull
                                       String displayName,
                                       String serverUrl,
                                       boolean manageHooks,
                                       String credentialsId,
                                       String endpointUrl)