Package hudson

Annotation Type RelativePath

  • @Documented
    public @interface RelativePath
    Used in conjunction with QueryParameter to refer to nearby parameters that belong to different parents.

    ".." refers to values in the parent object, and "foo" refers to the child object of the current object named "foo". They can be combined with '/' like path, such as "../foo/bar", "../..", and etc.

    A good way to think about this is the file system structure. @RelativePath is like the dirname, and QueryParameter is like the basename. Together they form a relative path. And because of the structured form submissions, form elements are organized in a tree structure of JSON objects, which is akin to directories and files.

    The relative path then points from the current input element (for which you are doing form validation, for example) to the target input element that you want to obtain the value.

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String value